Volume 5, No. 2, 2016 Next

Research Articles
Effect of Diluents and Preservation on Time Native Cock Semen
Das SK, Rahman MM, Bhuiyan MMU, Begum N and FY Bari
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 51-57.
Evaluation, dilution and preservation are the essential part of quality determination of native cock semen. Total of 21 semen samples were collected by abdominal massage from 7 native cocks at 3 days interval. Fresh semen was examined macroscopically for physical parameters. Most of the samples were found in yellowish white in color. The mean±SD volume, motility, concentration, dead and morphologically abnormal spermatozoa of semen samples varied from 0.3±0.01 to 0.5±0.03 ml, 58.3±2.9 to 71.7±3.5%, 3733±153 to 6067±130 x 106/ml, 22.3±4.51 to 33.7±1.53% and 18.3±7.8 to 30.7±1.5%, respectively. Cock # 1 showed the highest body weight (1.3 kg) and produced significantly (P<0.05) highest ejaculate volume and motility among the cocks. However, significantly (P<0.05) higher concentration of spermatozoa was observed in cock # 5 compared with others. The most frequent sperm abnormalities recorded in the mid-piece (8.5 to 13.0 %), followed by the head (3.5 to 6.0%) and tail (1.5 to 6.0%) of spermatozoa. After diluted in Lake A and Lake B (antibiotic added) diluents and preserved at 4ºC for two days, semen samples were examined on Day 0 (15 min chilled), Day 1 and Day 2, respectively. With the advancement of preservation, sperm motility, live spermatozoa and sperm morphology deteriorated progressively in both the diluents. However, significantly (P<0.05) higher percentage of motility was observed on Day 0 (60.6±2.4%) compared with Day 2 (39.2±2.0%) in Lake A diluent only. it was observed that Lake B diluent showed significantly (P<0.05) higher number of motile spermatozoa than Lake A on Day 1 and 2. Similar with the motility, significantly (P<0.05) higher proportion of live spermatozoa was present in Lake A on Day 0 compared with Day 2. However, proportion of live spermatozoa was significantly higher in Lake B than Lake A on Day2 only. Significantly higher (P<0.05) number of tail abnormality was present on Day 2 compared with Day 0 and 1 in both diluents. The overall abnormalities were found higher when diluted in Lake A than Lake B. The semen quality can be affected by the absence of antibiotic in the diluents and various preservation times.
Keywords: Cock, Semen, Diluents, Preservation
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Epidemiological, therapeutic and surgical studies on Tail necrosis in Egypt
Fayez A Salib and Haithem A Farghali
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 58-63.
Tail necrosis is a neglected multi-factorial problem in animals. The economical losses resulted from tail necrosis are variable including reduced animal price, annoyance, loss of animals communication tool, deaths due to septicemia and gangrene. The diagnosis of this problem and investigation of their causes were done by clinical, manual, skin smears, skin scrapings examinations of tail, fecal examinations, ration analysis and X-rays examinations. The prevalences of tail necrosis were recorded as 7.89, 2, 0.5, 0.51, 0.78% in buffaloes, cattle, sheep, dog, cat respectively. Two clinical forms of tail necrosis were recorded as dry mild and moist severe. The causes of tail necrosis were recorded as tail crushing, tail fracture, zinc and vitamin A deficiencies, external parasitic infestations, bacterial skin infections, bad hygiene (accumulation of manure), tail nerve paralysis, tail hair tourniquet, tail allergic dermatitis, very cold climates and fungal toxins. Two regimes of the treatment were applied according to the clinical forms of tail necrosis: the medicinal treatment was carried out for dry mild while the surgical amputation of affected part of tail was done for the moist severe form. It was concluded that tail necrosis is a problem in most animal species initiated by different causes, it have two clinical forms and it could be treated medicinally and surgically.
Keywords: Tail, necrosis, epidemiology, causes, treatment
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A Kenyan Economic Analysis on Utilization of Ovum Pick Up, In vitro Embryo Production and Embryo Transfer Technologies in Cattle

Henry M Mutembei, CM Mulei and PMF Mbithi
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 64-68.
In Kenya, good quality heifers are in high demand but are generally unavailable and expensive. Innovative usage of in-vitro embryo production (IVEP) system and embryo transfer (ET) has a potential to help deliver appropriate cattle genotypes to farmers efficiently. Use of Ovum pick up (OPU) from live animals and sexed semen in sexed In-vitro embryo production and embryo transfer, which involves both IVEP and embryo transfer (ET), is a breeding technology which ensures a 90% success rate of achieving the desired sex of a calf. While these technologies are potentially beneficial, their costs and benefits have not been locally assessed. A cost- benefit analysis was done to assess the economic feasibility of IVEP and ET for commercial utilization in Kenya. The results indicate that the technologies are feasible options for potential investors. OPU, IVEP and ET could benefit cattle farmers through availability of cattle of preferred sex (male calves for beef and female calves for dairy production) and better matching of genotype to farmers’ production conditions. Such technologies can enhance regional trade in cattle breeding stock due increased value and demand for both grade cows and Boran cows as donors and surrogates, respectively.
Keywords: In Vitro In Vitro Embryo Production, Ovum Pick Up, Embryo Transfer, Cows, Cost analysis, Kenya
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Effects of Carbendazim on Plasma Biochemistry, Gross and Microscopic Features of Some Visceral Organs of Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Exposed to Different Protein-Energy Diets
Oluwasanmi Olayinka Aina and Peter Chuka Ozegbe
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 69-73.
Carbendazim is a fungicidal agent for protecting farm commodities locally but its usage is usually restricted by its associated toxic potential especially when consumed by malnourished wild birds on farm. In this study, we observed the effect of protein-energy malnutrition on the histo-architectural and plasma biochemical changes associated with carbendazim toxicity in adult male Japanese quail. Carbendazim was administered at a single dose of 400 mg/kg by gastric gavage to quails fed two varied diets (Normal Protein-energy and Low Protein-energy diets). The control group received corn oil (vehicle) at 1 ml/200g body weight. The animals were sacrificed on day 8 post administration. Results showed that the relative weight of the gizzard significantly increased (P<0.01) in the Low Protein-energy diet-Oil (LPO; Control) treated group compared to the Normal Protein-energy diet-Carbendazim- (NPC) treated groups. Also, the relative weights of the liver and spleen markedly increased (P Keywords: Carbendazim, malnutrition, liver, kidney, Japanese quail
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Epidemiological Study on Bovine Hydatidosis in North Kordofan State, Sudan
Nasreldin Babiker Omer Ismail, Abdelhamid Ahmed Mohammed Elfadil and Elbagir Gaafar Mohammed Ahmed
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 74-78.
Across sectional study was conducted from March to May 2012 to estimate the prevalence and assess contribution of major risk factors for the occurrence of hydatid cysts infection on 244 cattle slaughtered at Elobied abattoir in North Kordofan state, Sudan. The overall prevalence of bovine hydatid cysts infection was 2.5%. Risk factors such as age (?2 = 2.420, P-value = 0.120), breed (?2 = 2.561, P-value = 0.278) and the disposal of affected organs (?2 = 1.100, P-value = 0.294) showed statistically significant association (P-value ?0.30) with the occurrence of hydatid cysts. However, risk factors such as sex, body condition, presence of dogs and the origin of animals didn’t show statistically significant association with the occurrence of hydatid cysts. In the multivariate analysis, the age (Exp (B) = 10.27, P-value= 0.036) was found to be the only statistically significant risk factor. For the location of hydatid cyst in visceral organs, the lung was found to be the most affected organ. By microscope examination of hydatid cyst, showed that 85.3% cysts were sterile and 14.7 % cysts were calcified, no fertile cyst was observed.
Keywords: Hydatid cyst, Bovine, Prevalence, Risk factors, Abattoir, Sudan
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A Study on Electrocardiographic Patterns in Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)
B Sudhakara Reddy, P Ananda Reddy, R Venkatasivakumar, B Soma Sekhar Reddy and E Tirupathi Reddy
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 79-82.
Avian electrocardiography (ECG) was started in 1909, but reference data on the turkey ECG was not well documented. Present study was conducted to record the normal ECG patterns in adult turkeys. ECG findings aid in the diagnosis of different cardiac diseases and to know about the pathology of different systemic disorders. Six turkey birds of both sexes aged between 2 to 2.5 years were incorporated in this study. Standard bipolar (I, II, III) and augmented unipolar (avR, avL, avF) leads were recorded in standing position. Configurations of P wave, QRS complex and T wave in the different leads were studied. Duration and amplitude of P wave, QRS complex, T wave, PR and QT intervals, heart rhythm and heart rate were measured in lead II for all the turkeys. Electrocardiographic parameters reported in this study will aid clinicians, in evaluating commonly seen problems in turkeys.
Keywords: Andhra Pradesh, ECG, Heart rate, P wave, RS, Turkey
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Cytotoxicity Assessment of Adenanthera Pavonina Extracts in Brine Shrimp Larvae and Cancer Cell Lines
Renilda Sophy AJ, Albin T Fleming, R Vidhya, K Gowri Shankar and B Navin Rajesh
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 83-86.
Plants having many bioactive materials are present in nature. Only a small percentage of these bioactive compounds have been studied. In the present study, chloroform, ethyl acetate, acetone, methanol and ethanol extracts of Adenanthera pavonina leaves are used for cytotoxicity study against Artemia salina and cancer cell lines, HCT116, NCIH460, U251 and MCF7. The chloroform extract showed high growth inhibition of MCF7 cancer cell lines while ethanol extract showed low growth inhibition against all the cell lines. The LD50 values of brine shrimp assay correlates well with the GI50 values of the extracts against cancer cell lines as shown in many previous studies. The toxicity of the extracts suggests the presence of bioactive compounds in the extracts and hence provides a scope for further fractional analysis to identify potential anticancer compounds within.
Keywords: Cytotoxicity, plant extracts, brine shrimp, cancer cell lines, anti-cancer activity
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Properties of Pathogenic & Cell Culture Adapted Strains of Camelpox Virus
Abdellatif MM, EL Tigani-Asil EA and Mahmoud AZ and Shazali LM
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 87-90.
The aim of the present study was to find changes in the biological properties of camelpox virus upon serial passages in Vero culture. Pathogenic camelpox virus (CMLV/WT) was serially propagated for hundred passages in confluent monolayers of Vero cells. Viruses from passages fifty (CMLV/50) and hundred (CMLV/100) were compared to CMLV/WT in terms of CPE, pock lesion and ability to induce lesions in rabbit’s skin. When replicating in old Vero cells at 37?C, CMLV/50 and CMLV/100 were distinguishable from CMLV/WT by appearance (24hrs), complete destruction of cell sheet (48hrs) and disappearance of syncytia and comets. Cell adapted virus replication on Vero cells at 35?C differed in appearance of CPE (24hrs), complete destruction within (48hrs), rounding of cells and syncytia. Inoculation of cell adapted strains on chick embryos induced larger (0.2-4mm), white opaque pock lesions without death. Mild local lesions were noted when rabbits were scarified by passaged viruses. Cell passaged strains displayed slight deviation in the properties of the virus.
Keywords: Camelpox virus, Vero cells, CPE, Pock lesion, Rabbits
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Pigeon Trichomoniasis in Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia
EA ELTigani-Asil
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 91-94.
This study aims to investigate the incidence rate and pathological changes of canker in domestic pigeons. The incidence rate was determined as 50% and the mortality rate was 100%. Clinical examination of birds illustrated tremors, torticollis, paralysis, emaciation and throat swelling. While necropsy inspection revealed a suppurative oropharyngitis, proventriculitis, hepatitis, liver fatty degeneration and brain congestion. Histopathological analysis showed pyogenic and necrotic inflammation of the digestive tract. Hepatic necrosis, granulomas, fatty change, heamosidrosis and protozoan parasites were demonstrated. Myocardial muscle and brain necrosis were also noted. This study concluded that pigeon trichomoniasis is a fatal disease causes an economical losses due to high mortalities (100%) in adult birds than scuabs and further investigations are needed.
Keywords: Trichomoniasis, Pigeon. Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia
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Effect of Physiological Status in Some Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Desert Goats
Eias Elzein, I Osman and Shadia A Omer
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 95-98.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gestation, parturition and postpartum on some haematological and biochemical parameters were studied using 15 (10 pregnant of known gestation age while 5 animal remained as cycling non-pregnant control) desert does aged between 2-3 years and managed under controlled condition. Their weights 30± 2.1 kg. The results obtained revealed that, during pregnancy the erythrocytic parameters decreased except ESR was increased during this period. Then all these parameters markedly decreased during the day of parturition period without significant changes in MCH and MCHC, except ESR was increased. Also found the same result during the postpartum period without significant changes in TRBC and ESR. Leukocytes increased at the day of parturition and their relative distribution showed neutophilia. Serum Total protein, globulin, urea markedly decline during the late pregnancy and Creatinine, ALT and AST was increased in this period. Serum glucose, urea, ALT and AST were significantly increased during the day of parturition and decline the glucose level in postpartum period. It can be concluded that pregnancy, parturition and postpartum period are a accompanied with marked changes in some haematological and biochemical parameters but female goat can adapt to marked variation in some important parameters during these physiological stages by different physiological mechanism.
Keywords: Physiological status: Haematology: Biochemistry: desert goats
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Short Communications
Isolation and Prevalence of Malassezia Species from Ear Canals of Healthy and Otitic Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
N Lakshmi Rani, K Nalini Kumari, N Syaama Sundar, RV Suresh Kumar, Makkena Sreenu and P Ananda Kumar
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 99-102.
Prevalence of Malassezia in the ear canals of healthy and otitic buffaloes was studied. Ear swabs were collected from 121 otitic (uni or bilateral) buffaloes (166 ears) and 20 (40 ears) apparently healthy buffaloes. Mycological analysis was carried out by roll swab for cytology and fungal culture on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar. Secretion or, cerumen were collected with two sterile swabs Cytological examination by roll swab technique was done by gently rolling one swab on to a clean glass slide and stained with New Methylene Blue and examined under oil immersion. The second swab was inoculated into Sabouraud’s Dextrose broth. The broth culture was streaked onto Sabouraud’s Dextrose agar, supplemented with olive oil, and incubated at 32°C for one week. On cytological examination, 47.5 per cent of healthy and 50.6 per cent of otitic ears showed typical Malassezial cells. The density of Malassezial organisms was greater than 30 organisms per field in majority of otitic ears. Cultural examination revealed that 59.0 per cent of the otitic ears were positive for Malassezia species, indicating higher sensitivity. Malassezia from otitic ears was isolated either in combination with bacteria (18.7%), parasites (21.1%) or both (19.3%). Though Malassezia was prevalent in both healthy and otitic ears, the presence of higher density of organisms in otitic ears might suggest their probable contribution to the pathogenesis of otitis.
Keywords: Incidence, otitis, Malassezia, buffaloes, Malassezial otitis
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Development of Inactivated Whole Cell Vaccine against Ovine Foot Rot
Sandhya Rani K, Rani Prameela D, Sreenivasulu D, Vijayalakshmi S and Karthik A
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 103-106.
The serogroups B and I of Dichelobacter nodosus were selected as whole cell vaccine strains based on isolation and serogrouping studies in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The available serogroups B and I of D.nodosus were revived in TASH agar media with 2% hoof powder. The purity of antigens were checked and adjusted to a concentration of 1 × 108 mg/ml and 2×109 mg/ml. Later inactivated with Formalin and were adjuvanted separately using Montanide and Alum. Experimental trails were conducted in Sheep and Goat with two different adjuvants, namely Montanide and Alum and with the different antigenic concentrations i.e 1×109 organisms/ml and 2×109 organisms/ml. The immune response was high in vaccines prepared using antigenic concentration of 2×109 organisms/ml compared with antigenic concentration of 1×109 organisms/ml. Similarly among two adjuvants Montanide and Alum, Montanide adjuvanted vaccines were found to be better in eliciting immune response.
Keywords: Selection of vaccine strains, TASH agar medium, Concentration of antigen, Inactivation and adjuvantation, Standardization, Immune response
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Detection of Clinical Anaemia Caused by Haemonchus spp. in Goats of Assam using an Eye Colour Chart: FAMACHA© Method
A Hafiz, DN Kalita, A. Saleque, S. Islam and Muhammad Moin Ansari
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 107-110.
The study was carried out to investigate the relationship amongst faecal egg count (FEC), FEC-Hc (Haemonchus contortus), packed cell volume and FAMACHA© score from 587 goats during the six study months (April – September, 2013). The three methods used for evaluating Haemonchosis i.e. FEC, packed cell volume, FAMACHA© score, were compared to test the FAMACHA© method for its accuracy and efficacy in detecting haemonchosis in Assam. In goats with egg per gram (EPG) level of 2050-2500, most of the goats fell in category 3 with pink eye colour, EPG level 3050-3500, most of the goats fell in category 4 with pink-white eye colour. Similarly, with EPG level 3550-4000, most of the goats fell in category 5 with white eye colour. Animals showed anaemic and severe anaemic conditions with the constant increase in the level of worm infection. It was also found that when the PCV level decreases the EPG increases and vice-versa. The faecal egg output of all GIN genera was high for this region throughout the study period. Based on the results of the larval culture, H. contortus was the predominant GIN species on all the study areas. FEC and FEC-Hc flucturated over the study period with a maximum in the month of August (FEC = 3004.66 and FEC-Hc = 2000.00) and minimum in the month of September (FEC = 1519.23 and FEC-Hc = 1075.00). With the increasing of FAMACHA© score the PCV values decreases. This study revealed highly significant correlation between FEC and FAMACHA© eye scoring. In conclusion, FAMACHA© method was found to be a reasonably good indicator of Clinical Anaemia Caused by Haemonchus spp. in Goats of Assam.
Keywords: FAMACHA©, Anaemia, Haemonchus contortus, Goat, Assam, Targeted selection treatment
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A Note on Seroconversion of Prophylactic Anti-rabies Vaccination in Dogs
Tresamol PV, Saseendranath MR, Riyas MA, Shyma VH, Murugesan N, Nimisha KN and Sunanda C
Inter J Vet Sci, 2016, 5(2): 111-113.
The present study was conducted to assess the seroconversion following prophylactic anti-rabies vaccination in dogs and to compare the efficacy of intramuscular and subcutaneous route of administration of vaccine. Fifty one unvaccinated dogs, of either sex and above three months of age were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Two doses of inactivated tissue culture anti-rabies vaccine containing 2.5 IU /dose was given on day one and 21 by intramuscular route to group I and by subcutaneous route to group II. Serum samples collected on day 1, 21 and 28 days of vaccination and assessment of serum neutralizing antibodies was done by rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test. Intramuscular route of administration resulted in seroconversion to protective level in 31.6 percent dogs by 21st day with a mean titre of 0.63±0.22 IU/ml and in 90 per cent dogs by 28th day with a mean titre of 1.75±0.28IU/ml. Subcutaneous route resulted protective titre in 64.5 per cent with a mean titre of 1.45±0.46 IU/ml by 21st day and in 96.8 per cent of dogs by 28th day with a mean titre of 5.09±1.18 IU/ml. Highly Significant rise in the mean titre was observed between the intervals. Both routes of administration of vaccine were found to be providing protective titre in 90 per cent and above of the vaccinated dogs, but statistical analysis revealed significantly higher titre by subcutaneous route than intramuscular route on day 28, but no significant difference was observed on day 21.
Keywords: Rabies, Vaccination, Seroconversion, RFFIT, Dogs
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