Volume 8, No. 2, 2019 Next

Erythrocytes and Their Transformations in the Organism of Cows
Marina Derkho, Liliya Mukhamedyarova, Ganna Rubjanova, Pavel Burkov, Tatyana Schnyakina, Pavel Shcherbakov, Tatiana Shcherbakova, Kseniya Stepanova and Galiya Kazhibayeva
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 61-66.
A study was conducted to study the respiratory function of blood and the morphology of erythrocytes in the organism of black-mottled cows in the conditions of the t echnogenic province formed in the zone of distribution of emissions of JSC “Uchalinsky GOK” (“Uchalinsk ore mining and processing enterprise”). In blood samples of 3 (group I), 4-5 (group II) and 5-6 year old (group III), the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin, morphology of erythrocytes were determined. The results of the research show that in the blood of cows in conditions of the natural and territorial complex subjected to technogenic pressure of JSC “Uchalinsky GOK”, the number of red blood cells in the blood stream increases with age by 40.65% as the hemoglobin decreases by 1.41 -11,06% due to the change in the size of red blood cells and the average content of hemoglobin in a separate red blood cell. The state of the respiratory function of the blood is associated with the tendency of the erythrocytes to transform their form. In 3-year-old cows, the modified cellular forms are contained in 72.73% of blood smears, 4-5-year-olds at 90.91% and in 5-6-year-olds – 100%. In blood smears, in which erythrocytes have abnormalities in morphology, the number of normal discocyte cells, respectively, is 27.61±1.74; 12.94±0.65 and 2.50±0.32%. The age of animals influences the morphological changes in red blood cells. In the blood smears of 3-year-old cows, they were mainly represented by megalocytes (6.31±0.68%), macrocytes (26.88±1.09%) and anulocytes (4.13±0.78), most of which were connected to strand coins. Microcytes (35.14±1.48%), anulocytes (19.17±3.59%) and acanthocytes (16.53±0.61%) prevailed in 4-5-year-old animals. Similar picture was observed in the smears of 5-6 year old cows: microcytes (12.30±1.21%), anulocytes (13.87±0.75%), and acanthocytes (62.68±0.86%).
Keywords: Blood, Respiratory function, Transformation of erythrocyte form, Cows, Technogenic province
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Physiological Responses of Japanese Quail Breeders to Age at Mating and Silver Nanoparticles Administration
Nafisa A Abd El-Azeem, M Madkour, OM Aboelazab and I El-Wardany
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 67-72.
A total of 64 males and 192 females from Japanese quail breeders (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were divided into two groups of different ages (old birds; 52 weeks of age (WOA) and young birds; (10 WOA). These subgroups were used in a series of four natural mating groups in a regular and reciprocal manner. In the 1st and 2nd mating groups; old males were paired with old and young females, respectively. While the 3rd and the 4th groups; young males were paired with old and young females, respectively. The first and the second subgroups of both ages (old and young) were subjected to a treatment of 20 ppm silver nanoparticles (AgNps) in drinking water. The third and fourth ones were used as a control treatment given fresh water with no supplement. Egg production parameters, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were recorded biweekly. At the last week of the experimental period (8th wk), birds were weighed and slaughtered, autopsied and some organs were weighed. Some blood constituents were determined for quail breeder.
The results showed that, young age quail showed significantly higher plasma level of TP, globulin, Cho, LDL and P values compared to those produced from the elder ones, especially for young females mated with old males. Similar trend was observed for the concentration of gonadal hormones E2, P4 and T. While, the older females had the highest plasma TL, HDL and Ca values regardless of males age. The administration of AgNps improved significantly plasma Alb, TG, Cho, LDL and A/G ratio compared with control without AgNps supplementation. The differences between the treatments in plasma TP, TL, Ca and E2 were not significant for silver nanoparticles administration. The interaction between age at mating and AgNps administration was not significant for plasma TL, Ca, LDL, P4 and E2. It could be concluded from the present study that, it is possible to improve reproductive and healthy status of aged Japanese quail breeder stocks if the old age breeder is mated with younger ones. The magnitude of this effect could be achieved through the administration of AgNps in their drinking water.
Keywords: Age at mating, Physiological responses, Silver nanoparticles, Japanese quail breeder
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Microcardia Associated with Traumatic Reticulo Pericarditis (TRP) In an Adult Female Ayrshire Cow: A Case Report
EK Serem, TO Abuom, SG Peter, DW Gakuya, GK Kirui and PG Mbuthia
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 73-78.
A 7 months pregnant Ayrshire cow raised in open fields in Dandora area, Nairobi was presented to the Large Animal Clinic, University of Nairobi, on 6/11/2017 with a history of being off feed for a week and constipated She had been treated for two weeks with Magnesium Sulphate oral drench and gentamycin injection without significant improvement. A week later, she deteriorated becaming completely anorexic and developed brisket oedema. General exam revealed good body condition, dullness and depression, predominant abdominal breathing, brisket oedema, careful gait, pronounced elbow abduction, distended jugular vein, grunting and teeth grinding. On physical examination the respiratory rate was 24 breathes per minute with a strong character, pulse rate of 92 beats per minute, temperature of 40.70 degrees Celsius, splashing heart sound, suppressed thoracic respiration and harsh lung sounds. Haematological analysis showed anaemia, evident by decreased haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and red blood cell count. Leucocytosis, neutrophilia and lymphopaenia was also evident. A tentative diagnosis of terminal traumatic reticulo-pericarditis was made carrying a grave prognosis. Euthanasia was indicated but the cow died in the night of 8/11/2017. Post mortem revealed hydro-peritoneum, hydro-thorax, three (3) wires piercing through the reticula wall and diaphragm to the pericardial sac, fibrinous adhesions of reticulum, diaphragm and pericardium. The heart was atrophied with the pericardial sac holding 12 litres of creamy liquefied content with fibrin attachments. This report documents atrophied heart associated traumatic reticulo-pericarditis caused by several wires penetrating through the diaphragm in a cow raised in peri-urban area. In conclusion, the cow was from an urban farm and farming in such areas is more likely to predispose cattle to TRP due to uncontrolled grazing in urban centred which exposes them to unsafe foraging areas and fodder.
Keywords: Traumatic Reticulopericarditis (TRP), Dairy farming, Microcardia
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Study the Pathological Changes in the Intestine of Rabbits Infected Experimentally with Salmonella typhimurium
Mohammed Ali Hussein, Maher Saber Owain, Ayman Barzan Abdulgafor, Mustafa Salah Hasan, Ahmed Sami Jarad, Qusay Mohammed Aboud and Anmar J Al-Zobaie
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 79-83.
The current study aimed to explore the histopatholgical changes in intestine of rabbits experimentally infected with Salmonella typhimurium. A highly virulent isolate of S. typhimurium obtained from Department of internal and preventive medicine/ College of Veterinary Medicine/University of Baghdad were previously diagnosed and confirmed by PCR. Infective dose of bacteria was prepared and given to animals at a dose of 5×109 CFU.
The experimental study was conducted on 25 local rabbits of both genders aged between 2-4 months old were adapted for two weeks before starting the experiment. These rabbits divided randomly into five Groups, each group contains 5 rabbits, as follows: Group 1: these were used as negative control Group 2: these were used as infected group which drenched 5 ml suspension which have (5×109 CFU) of Salmonella typhimurium, Group 3: these were given a same dose of Salmonella typhimurium then treated with single dose of gentamicin alone at 0.05 ml/kg (5mg/ml) orally after presence of signs, Group 4: these were given a same dose of S. typhimurium then treated with a single dose of Ca-EDTA alone at 40 mg/kg orally after presence of signs, Group 5: these were drenched with the same dose of S. typhimurium then treated with combination of single dose of gentamicin at 0.05 ml/kg (5 mg/ml) orally and Ca-EDTA 40 mg/kg orally after presence of signs.
The presented results of post mortem showed a congestion of intestine and filled with watery diarrhea. The results of histopathological examination of intestine revealed presence of different changes as infiltration of PMNs, destruction of crypts,villus atrophy and mucosal and submucosal blood vessel congestion in G2, G3, G4 pre and post treatment at different times, while the histological architecture in the G5 appeared near to normal with mild PMNs hyperplasia in mucosa at 48 hrs., while, at 96h it showed normal histological appearance.
Keywords: Salmonella, Intestine, Rabbit, Histopathology
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PPR in Camels: Sero-Prevalence and Socio-Economics
Chemweno VJ, CG Gitao, JM Gachohi, RK Soi, EK Ndungu, A Khalif and RN Omani
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 84-88.
Camels are important livestock species kept mainly by pastoralists to support their livelihoods and other socio-economic needs. Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a disease of great economic impact in pastoralist herds, mainly known to affect sheep and goats. Recent serological surveys have confirmed presence of Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) antibodies in camels in Sudan and Ethiopia. Owing to the limited information about PPR epidemiology in camels in Kenya, this study was conducted to determine PPRV seroprevalence using 398 serum samples in camels in the northern region of Kenya (Isiolo, Marsabit, Wajir and Mandera counties) via competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (C-ELISA) technique. To complete the study, thirty six questionnaires were administered to camel herders and owners linked to the 398 serum samples to collect information on socio-economic factors related to household characteristics, livelihood activities, livestock production and benefits, camel and camel product sales and income. An overall PPR seroprevalence in camels of 3.0% [95% CI: 1.6%, 5.2%] was estimated. Sex (P=0.013) and County (P=0.068) were significantly related to the PPR sero-prevalence. The study found that camel keeping is major source of livelihood and nutrition. Respectively, 92% and 86% of the respondents cited sale of camel milk and camels as major benefits derived from camels. Presence of PPRV antibodies in camels in Kenya suggests that camels may be involved in the circulation of PPRV and underscoring the need for more research to determine the epidemiological role of camels in a multi-host environment.
Keywords: PPR, Camel, Socio-economics, Sero-prevalence
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Immune-Modulating Effects of Aviboost® Nucleotides on The Intestinal Epithelium of Broiler Chickens
Raheel IAR, Orabi A, Hala SH Salam, Abed AH, Fouad IA and M Refaat
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 89-95.
This study investigated the effect of dietary supplementation of nucleotides on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology and immunity response in broiler chickens. Four hundred one day old Cobb broiler chickens were randomly assigned to two separated groups, nucleotides treated group (NTG) and control group (CG). In NTG, Aviboost Poultry Tonic (with nucleotides, 5000 mg/liter) was given with the recommended dose for 16 hours daily in the first 3 days and continuously in drinking water at days 4 and 5 of age and at days 18, 19 and 20 of age, and repeated at day 25 till 30 days of age. Feed intake and mean body weight were calculated weekly till 5th week of age (35 days). Serum and intestinal samples were collected at 22 and 31 days for cytokine and intestinal histomorpholgical analysis, respectively. The mean body weight gain of the CG was 1.950 kg per bird compared with 2.112 kg per bird in NTG at 35 days of age. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was improved in NTG (FCR = 1.67) compared to CG (FCR = 1.8). In NTG, Interleukin-6 and Interferon-? mean levels were higher than the CG at both 22 and 31 days. In NTG, the absorptive cells of the villus demonstrated changes compared to CG in form of hyperplasia of the cells and increased the average height of the microvilli from 1.4 micron in CG to 1.82 and 2.4 micron at 22 and 31 day old group, respectively in NTG. The lamina propria of the villus of NTG depicted numerous lymphoid and plasma cells in 22 day old group and the population of the plasma cells increased in 31 day old group in number and activation. In conclusion, supplementation of diet with nucleotides stimulated the immunity and increased villi height and body weight gain of broilers.
Keywords: Broilers-Immune-modulatory- Histomorphology and Innate immunity
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Macro and Microanatomical Study on the Uropygial Gland of the Mule Duck
Reda Mohamed
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 96-100.
The study on the gross and histological aspects of the uropygial gland of Mule duck was conducted on ten adult Mule ducks. The uropygial gland was a yellowish-creamy sebaceous gland located under the skin dorsal to the last caudal vertebra. It composed of two pear-shaped elongated lobes and papilla surrounded by downy feather. It was enclosed in a dense irregular connective capsule containing collagen and reticular fibers but devoid from smooth muscle fibers. Each lobe had secretory tubules and one excretory duct. The secretory tubules were arranged into two zones; the central and the peripheral. The epithelium of the secretory tubules was arranged in three layers; the basal, intermediate and secretory cell layers. The secretion of the uropygial gland was made up of lipids and carbohydrates which contribute to the water-repellent properties of the feather coat and serve as protection against microorganism infection.
Keywords: Uropygial gland, Duck, Anatomy, Histology
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Hydatid Cyst Germinal Layer Purified Glycoproteins for Diagnosis of Camel Cystic Echinococosis
Eman E El Shanawany, Nagwa I Toaleb and Eman H Abdel Rahman
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 101-105.
Using Con-A affinity Colum chromatography, N- acetylglucosamine, glucose and galactose fractions were isolated from Echinococcus granulosus germinal layer. Glc NAc isolated fraction proved diagnostic potentials of cystic echinococosis in camels by ELISA. The electrophoretic profile of Glc NAc fraction showed two bands of 30 and 77 kDa. Galactose isolated fraction showed also, two bands but of molecular weight 17and 77 kDa. While glucose fraction contained three bands of 30, 43, and 77 kDa. Using western blotting technique the 30, 77 kDa of Glc NAc reacted with camel naturally infected serum samples and hyper immune sera of rabbit. Subsequently, serodiagnostic performance of Glc NAc was evaluated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) by using sera from 98 camel serum 22 were healthy and 76 were with hydatidosis. The sensitivity of Glc NAc was found to be 97.3 % with relatively low specificity 54.5% based on the ability of isolated fraction to differentiate between true positive and true negative. In conclusion, the isolated Glc NAc fraction showed diagnostic potency in serodiagnosis of camel cystic echinococosis.
Keywords: Cystic echinococcosis, Glycoprotein, Germinal layer, Diagnosis, Affinity column chromatography, ELISA
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A Novel Foot Bath for Horse Dwelling
Shimaa AE Nasr and Amany A Arafa
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 106-112.
Ensuring you have good biosecurity measures in horse dwelling will ensure your horse stays safe and well. An important component of any biosecurity programs is controlling the mechanical transmission of pathogens by staff members via disinfectant foot bath outside stables, In our work, we studied the effect of five disinfectants used as foot bath in three models (liquid and semiliquid and dry) to evaluate their effects against streptococcus equi sub species equi isolated from native horse breed in Egypt, the tested strain of S. equi subsp. equi showed antibiotic resistance against tetracycline, cortimoxazole, rifampicin and cephalothin, the results of samples taken from the foot bath for three successive days showed, increasing the count of strept.equi day after day in the three model types especially dry, regarding strept equi count log reduction of rubber coupons after one minute contact in different types of foot bath for three successive days, the semiliquid foot bath showed the best results as the reduction was improved for all types of disinfectants used that showed bacterial log reduction >5 except formalin (4.04) and staldren (3.35), followed by liquid model followed by the dry which showed the worst results, in conclusion, The footbath as a simple form of biosecurity is usually soiled with microorganism and should be frequently replaced to avoid to be useless or to be a source of infection specially in the liquid form, semiliquid foot bath prolonged the action of disinfectant when used and improve bactericidal activity when compared with liquid and dry form.
Keywords: Footbath, S. equi subsp. equi, Disnfectants and Antibiotic resistance
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Pathological and Immunohistochemical Studies on the Ameliorating Effect of Spirulina Platensis against Arsenic Induced Reproductive Toxicity in Female Albino Rats
Reda MS Korany, Khaled S Ahmed, Hanaa A El Halawany and Kawkab A Ahmed
Inter J Vet Sci, 2019, 8(2): 113-119.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sodium arsenate (Na3AsO4) on the female reproductive organs, and to study the effect of Spirulina platensis (Sp) as an ameliorating agent in the arsenic-induced toxicity. 40 female Wistar albino rats were used. The rats were divided into four equal groups, 10 rats in each group; control group and three groups that received spirulina (Sp), sodium arsenate, and sodium arsenate plus spirulina respectively, for 2 months. Results showed that the body weight in female rats was significantly reduced in arsenic-treated group compared to the control, while the co-treatment with Sp significantly restored the body weight. Arsenic significantly increased serum malondialdehyde (MDA) and significantly reduced serum glutathione (GSH) activities in comparison with the control group. Spirulina co-treatment significantly restored GSH levels and significantly reduced MDA in comparison to arsenic-treated group. Histopathologically, uterus and ovaries of arsenic-treated group showed different degenerative changes which improved with the Spirulina co-treatment. Immunohistochemistry determined the role of nuclear erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) in the arsenic toxicity and Spirulina Platensis mechanism of protection in arsenic-induced toxicity. In conclusion, arsenic-induced toxicity in female rats could be ameliorated by Spirulina platensis co-administration through Nrf2 pathway.
Keywords: Sodium arsenate, Spirulina platensis, Uterus, Ovaries, Histopathology, Nrf2
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