Volume 13, No. 4, 2024 (Issue: 15-June-2024) |
Evaluation of Protective Proteins and Cytokines in Milk and Serum of Healthy Camels During the First Two Months Postpartum Saleh M Albarrak* and Fahd A Al-Sobayil Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 401-406. Abstract Full text pdfThe current study sought to investigate changes in the secretion of immuno-protective proteins, as well as inflammatory and regulatory cytokines in camel milk and serum during the first two months postpartum. Using commercially available ELISA kits, the concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG), lactoferrin (LTF), lactoperoxidase (LPO), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in milk samples collected on days 4, 10, 30, and 60 postpartum were measured. IgG, LTF, and LPO were also measured in the serum samples from the dams and their calves obtained at the same time points. There were no significant variations in the levels of the protective proteins LTF and LPO in the milk on day 4 compared to the other sampling days. However, IgG concentrations significantly decreased from day 4 to days 10, 30, and 60 (P?0.05, P?0.001, and P?0.01, respectively). TNF-? secretions significantly increased on days 10, 30, and 60 compared to day 4 (P?0.001). Only days 10 and 60 exhibited significant decreases in IL-6 secretion compared to day 4 (P?0.001). The regulatory cytokine IL-10 levels were stable for the first three sampling times before significantly declining at day 60 (P?0.001). Analysis of the dam’s serum revealed a significant decline in LTF concentrations on days 10 and 60 compared to day 4 (P?0.05) and a significant increase in serum LPO on day 10 only (P?0.01). Serum IgG decreased in all the sampling days compared to day 4, however, these decreases were significant only on day 10 (P?0.05). A significant decline in calf’s serum IgG was observed on day 30 of age as compared to day 4. The results of the present study further our knowledge regarding the biologically active compounds found in milk that can be used to distinguish between healthy and diseased camel udders. Keywords: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, Interleukin-6, Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase, Camel milk. |
Trainability and Boldness Behavior on Kintamani Dog in Indonesia Aloysiana Margaretha, I Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan, Putu Devi Jayanti, Anak Agung Gde Oka Dharmayudha, I Nyoman Sulabda and I Ketut Puja Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 407-412. Abstract Full text pdfThis study aims to determine the trainability and boldness behavior of the Kintamani Dog from Indonesia. Boldness and trainability are good behaviors that are highly desirable to keep. This study using 30 Kintamani dogs aged 3-5 months. Data were collected directly through surveys and indirectly through questionnaires from Kintamani dog owners who are members of Kintamani Dog Clubs in Indonesia. Behavior data were collected using Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ). Overall, the results of the eight questions on trainability had a high average score in this study. Furthermore, the results on aggression and fear showed a high score for boldness behavior. In conclusion, Kintamani dog in Indonesia has a high score on trainability and boldness behavior. Keywords: Aggression; Boldness; Dog Behavior; Fearfulness; Kintamani Dog; Trainability. |
Microbial Investigation of Animal Product Hygiene in Bali and Nusa Tenggara of Indonesia I Wayan Masa Tenaya, Ida Bagus Ngurah Swacita, I Made Sukada, I Ketut Suada, Romy Muhammad Dary Mufa, Kadek Karang Agustina, I Wayan Suardana and Ni Made Handayani Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 413-420. Abstract Full text pdfProducts of animal origin, namely meat, eggs, and milk, must have good value and quality for human benefit and must be monitored regularly. The present study aimed to review the epidemiological mapping of the level of microbial contamination based on surveillance data in the Provinces of Bali and Nusa Tenggara. During 2017, a total of 1875 samples were collected from targeted places that did not have a veterinary control number (VCN) such as slaughterhouses, traditional markets, retail shops and meat supply companies (importers), then brought to the Disease Investigation Center (DIC) Denpasar for analysis. Microbial contamination was tested using the total plate count (TPC) method, according to laboratory procedures for DIC Denpasar. The test results showed that 56.9% of the samples contained germs that exceeded the maximum microbial contamination limit (MMCL) stipulated in SNI 7388: 2009, namely 1×106 colonies/g. The contaminant germs were dominated by E. coli (73.8%). There was a highly significant (P<0.001) difference in the number of E. coli that exceeded the maximum limit microbial contamination (MLMC) values detected between the three provinces, the four types of samples tested, and the type of slaughterhouses/markets. However, all samples tested did not contain pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp. This data suggested that the hygiene level of animal products in the region was low which can threaten the health of consumers. Keywords: Animal products, Food-borne diseases, Bacterial contamination, Veterinary control. |
Effectiveness of Resveratrol Supplement on Some Biochemical Criteria and Bone in Lead-Exposed Rats Duaa Abd-Alaziz Subhi and Baraa Najim Al-Okaily Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 421-426. Abstract Full text pdfThe present study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of resveratrol (3,5,4?-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) supplements in alleviating the histopathological and some biochemical criteria alterations in adult female rats exposed to lead acetate. Twenty adult female Wistar rats were divided equally into four groups; Group C served as control, group G1 was gavage lead acetate (5mg/kg BW) orally, group G2 administered lead acetate (5mg/kg BW) and resveratrol supplement at dose 87mg/kg BW and group G3 received the dosage of resveratrol supplement orally as in G2. Blood samples were collected immediately before and after 28 days of the experiment to determine serum calcium ion and phosphorus concentrations. Furthermore, specimens of femur bone were taken hold at the end of the treatment. Results of serum calcium (Ca+2) and phosphorus showed a significant decrease in group G1 compared to other groups. Also, there were histopathological alterations in the bone sections characterized by a reduction of the cellular component of bone marrow tissue, visible empty lacunae, scattered osteocytes, and irregular roughened periosteum with increased in collagenous in the bony matrix compared to the control, G2, and G3 groups. Besides, a decrease in these parameters in group G2 was noticed compared to group G1. In conclusion, the results confirmed the effectiveness of resveratrol supplements in alleviating the adverse effects of lead acetate on calcium, and phosphorus and attenuating the histopathological changes of bone due to its antioxidant activities in rats. Keywords: Calcium, Femur, Histopathology, Lead acetate, Resveratrol. |
Diversity of Leptin Gene Exon 2 in Pesisir Cattle using Sequencing Method Yurnalis, Tinda Afriani, Jaswandi, Adisti Rastosari and Mylaufa Asyraf Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 427-434. Abstract Full text pdfThis research aims to determine the genetic diversity of Leptin exon 2 and intron 2 in Pesisir cattle using sequencing methods. The samples used in this study consist of 96 blood samples from Pesisir cattle raised at BPTU Padang Mengatas, Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. Blood samples were isolated using the genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega) protocol. The isolated DNA was then amplified using a pair of forward primers 5’- ATC TGA AGA CCT GGA TGC GG -3’ and reverse primers 5’- TGG TTG CAG GTC TGA GCT TA -3’ resulting in a Leptin gene exon 2 and intron 2 fragment with a length of 744 bp. Then the amplification products were sent for sequencing with the assistance of 1st Base Singapore’s services. The research results indicate that there are 13 diversities in the intron 2 region of the Pesisir cattle samples, with the discovery of 12 mutations occurring at positions +327 G?A, +398 C?T, +399 A?G, +439 C?T, +441 C?A, +547 G?C, +565 C?G, +622 G?A, +629 C?T, +647 C?T, +693 T?C, +712 G?T and 1 deletion at position +751 G?del. In the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test, there are 8 mutations that are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which are at positions +327, +399, +439, +547, +565, +622, +693, +712 while 4 mutations are not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which are at positions +398, +441, +629 dan +647. In this research, a check of restriction enzymes revealed the presence of 12 restriction enzymes that can be used in studies utilizing the PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction – Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) method. Keywords: Pesisir cattle, Leptin gene, Sequencing, Diversity. |
Effect of Combination of Mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata) Leaves and Mirasolia diversifolia in Rations on Production Performance of Goats Roni Pazla, Novirman Jamarun, Elihasridas, Gusri Yanti, Zaitul Ikhlas and Juniarti Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 435-446. Abstract Full text pdfThe objective of this research is to identify the most effective blend of Mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata) leaf hay and fermented Mirasolia diversifolia (FMd) as sources of fiber and protein for goats in-vivo. In this study, an experimental approach was utilized, employing a randomized group design with four distinct treatments, each with four separate groups serving as replicates. The treatments included T1 (35% mangrove leaf hay (MLH) + 5% FMd + 60% concentrate), T2 (30% MLH+ 10% FMd + 60% concentrate), T3 (25% MLH + 15% FMd+ 60% concentrate), T4 (20% MLH + 20% FMd + 60% concentrate). The measured variables included the consumption and digestibility of food substances: crude fiber, crude fat, and Nitrogen-free extract (NFE), as well as the digestibility of fiber fractions: NDF, ADF, cellulose, and hemicellulose. Additionally, body weight gain, ration efficiency, and feed conversion ratio were assessed. The analysis outcomes revealed that each treatment insignificantly impacted (P>0.05) the consumption and digestibility of crude fiber, crude fat, NFE, ration efficiency, and feed conversion ratio in distinct ways. However, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in the digestibility of NDF, ADF, cellulose, hemicellulose and body weight gain, The findings from the study revealed that the T4 treatment produced the most favorable outcome in terms of consumption and digestibility of crude fiber, crude fat, NFE, NDF, ADF, cellulose, hemicellulose, body weight gain, ration efficiency, and feed conversion ratio. Keywords: Mangrove leaves, Mirasolia diversifolia, Crude fiber digestibility, Crude fat digestibility, NFE digestibility. |
Ultrasound-Guided Brachial Plexus Block with Mepivacaine in Zaraibi Goats Marwa H. Hassan, Samah H. El-Bably, Samar M El-Gammal and Ahmed I. Abdelgalil Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 447-452. Abstract Full text pdfUltrasound-guided block of the brachial plexus is a safe and effective anesthetic technique that has been used for forelimb surgery in dogs, cats, calves, and donkeys. The current study aimed to provide detailed description of the neuroanatomical location and branching of the brachial plexus and to evaluate the ultrasound-guided blockade of the brachial plexus in Zaraibi goats. Nine clinically normal adult male Zaraibi goats weighing 25-45kg were included in the study. Three goats were used for anatomical study and six goats were used to investigate the feasibility of ultrasound-guided brachial plexus blockade. Blockage of the brachial plexus was made using 25ml mepivacaine (3%) that was introduced through a 20 gauge, 90mm spinal needle. The needle was inserted medial and dorsal to the transducer till the needle shaft imaged at the brachial plexus and then mepivacaine was injected. Efficient brachial plexus blockade in Zaraibi goats was achieved with peak of analgesia at 40min and peak of motor depression at 30min. The peak of analgesia was maintained for 40min (duration of analgesia). Ultrasound guided brachial plexus nerve block is a safe, feasible and efficient technique for blocking the sensory and motor nerves of the forelimb in goats without noticeable complications. Clinical studies are recommended to use this technique in the forelimb operations in goats. Keywords: Goat, Ultrasound, Regional anesthesia, Nerve block, Brachial plexus. |
Testing Motility Parameters of Post-Thawing Pesisir Bulls (Bos indicus) Semen with and without Sexing Tinda Afriani, Zaituni Udin, Jaswandi, Dwiki Wahyudi and Mylaufa Asyraf Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 453-457. Abstract Full text pdfThis study aimed to test the motility parameters of frozen semen from Pesisir bulls with and without sexing. The research material consisted of semen from two Pesisir bulls. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using ANOVA. The results of this study showed that the motility percentage of Pesisir bulls ranged from 53.66 to 58.87%, and progressive motility ranged from 41.20 to 48.87%. The values of distance curve line (DCL) ranged from 24.05 to 28.24?m, distance average path (DAP) ranged from 24.05 to 24.35?m, and distance straight-line (DSL) ranged from 18.49 to 22.78?m. The values of velocity curve line (VCL) ranged from 93.95 to 112.97?m/s, velocity average path (VAP) ranged from 53.90 to 62.57?m/s, and velocity straight-line (VSL) ranged from 41.97 to 50.51?m/s. The values of linearity (LIN) ranged from 0.43 to 0.45, straightness (STR) ranged from 0.75 to 0.80, and wobble (WOB) ranged from 0.54 to 0.59. Meanwhile, the amplitude of lateral head (ALH) value was between 4.22 and 5.14?m, and the beat cross frequency (BCF) value ranged from 21.34 to 26.99Hz. The motility parameters, progressive motility, DAP, DSL, VAP, VSL, and LIN of post-thawing Pesisir bulls semen did not show significant differences (P>0.05) both with and without sexing. However, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in the parameters of progressive motility, DCL, VCL, STR, WOB, ALH, and BCF. However, for future research, it is expected that studies could involve more significant and more diverse sample sizes, as well as variations in cryopreservation techniques that may be employed. Additionally, further research could consider factors such as the age and health condition of Pesisir bulls, which could influence semen quality after thawing. Keywords: CASA, Motility, Pesisir bulls, Sexing semen. |
Abdominal Pedunculated Leiomyoma in a Male Dromedary Camel: Clinical, Hematobiochemical, Ultrasonographic and Pathologic Findings Madeh Sadan, Mohamed Tharwat, Saleh Alkhedhairi, Walid Refaai, Hazem M EL Moghazy, Mostafa M Khodier, Abdullah S. Alkhamiss and Ahmed Ghallab Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 458-462. Abstract Full text pdfThis clinical report describes the clinical, ultrasonographical, hematological, biochemical, and pathological findings in a 2-year-old male dromedary camel (Camelus dromedaries) with abdominal pedunculated leiomyoma. Case history included a decreased appetite and gradual loss of body weight. Ultrasonography of left abdomen revealed echogenic deposits with anechoic areas among the left kidney, spleen, and abdominal wall. A large hypoechoic highly vascularized mass was detected directly below the left kidney and spleen. Exploratory laparotomy revealed tumor masses affecting the wall of left abdomen. Histopathological findings revealed torsade pedunculated leiomyoma with hemorrhagic infarction, thick-walled blood vessels and wide areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first clinical report describing an abdominal pedunculated leiomyoma in dromedary camels. Keywords: Animals; Camels; Diagnostic imaging; Pathology; Ultrasound. |
Exploring the Impact of Processed Cassava Peel on Microbial Dynamics and in vitro Nutrient Digestibility in Ruminant Diets Fauzia Agustin, Roni Pazla, Novirman Jamarun and Hanannaisa Suryadi Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 463-470. Abstract Full text pdfThis experiment aimed to explore the impact of increasing the amount of cassava peel in diets that had been soaked on whiting at different levels on rumen microbial biomass, protozoa populations, production of microbial protein, and in vitro nutrient digestibility. The research was arranged with a factorial pattern. There were two factors tested: the first was whiting dose and soaking time (0%, 3h; 0.25%, 3h and 0.50%, 2h), and the second was soaked cassava peel in diet (10, 20, and 30%). Diets were formulated to maintain a constant levels of protein and energy. The findings revealed that the increase of cassava peel in diets had no impact (P>0.05) on microbial biomass, protozoa populations, and microbial protein synthesis. However, soaking treatment with 0.25% whiting for 3h significantly (P<0.05) increased rumen microbial biomass. While nitrogen-free extract digestibility was only influenced by increasing cassava peel in ration. Fiber fraction digestibility was not different. In conclusion, using 30% cassava peel in the diet was safe for microbial activity and can support nutrients needed for growing rumen microbes. Keywords: Cassava peel, Invitro fermentation, Rumen microbial, Whiting. |
Production Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Food Consumption of Etawa Crosbreed Dairy Goats Fed Gliricidia sepium, Concentrate of Palm Kernel Cake and Cassava Leaves Arief, Roni Pazla, Rizqan, Novirman Jamarun and Putri Mira Magistri Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 471-478. Abstract Full text pdfThe objective of this research was to assess the consumption, digestive efficiency, productivity, and milk quality of Etawa crossbreed dairy goats (ECDG) when they were provided with a diet comprising conventional mixed forage, cassava leaves (CL), Gliricidia sepium (Gs), in addition to palm kernel cake concentrate (PKCC). In this research, a fully randomized design was employed, which included four treatments and four replications. The treatments were defined as follows: Treatment A consisted of company rations, which included a combination of 50% company forages and 50% company concentrate (CC). Treatment B involved a diet comprising 50% Gliricidia sepium and cassava leaves (Gs+CL), 35% CC, and 15% PKCC. Treatment C utilized 50% (Gs+CL), 25% CC and 25% PKCC, while Treatment D incorporated 50% (Gs+CL), 15% CC, and 35% PKCC. The variables under investigation included: the quality of milk (lactose, total solid, water content, protein, fat-free solids, fat, density and acidity level), consumption of organic material (OMI), efficiency of organic matter breakdown (OMD), milk production, intake of dry matter (DMI), intake of crude protein (CPI), digestibility of crude protein (CPD), and digestibility of dry matter (DMD). Data interpretation made use of analysis of variance, with an additional examination provided for detecting dissimilarities among treatments through Duncan’s multiple range method. The results of this analysis showed that variables such as digestibility, milk quality, milk production, and feed intake were not significantly affected by the treatment (P>0.05). The utilization of PKCC, along with a blend of G. sepium and cassava leaves, effectively sustained feed digestibility, milk quality, feed intake, and production in ECDG. Substituting the forage provided by the company with a combination of G. sepium and cassava, and substituting the concentrate provided by the company with PKCC, did not result in any noticeable effects on milk quality, production, intake, or Etawa crossbreed dairy goats’ digestibility. The mixture comprising 15% company concentrate, 35% PKCC, and 50% cassava and G. sepium successfully maintained milk quality, production, digestibility, and milk consumption in Etawa crossbreed dairy goats. Keywords: Cassava leaves, Gliricidia sepium, Palm kernel cake, Milk production, Etawa crossbreed dairy goats. |
Suppurative Pyelonephritis in a Caprine Buck: Clinical, Laboratory, Ultrasonographic and Pathologic Findings Mohamed Tharwat and Abdulla Al-Hawas Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 479-483. Abstract Full text pdfThis report emphasizes the clinical presentation, hematological and biochemical changes, and ultrasonographic and pathologic findings in a caprine buck with bilateral suppurative pyelonephritis. A 9-month-old male caprine buck was referred for examination. Two blood samples were collected on EDTA and heparin. The main clinical presentation of the case under investigation included anorexia, diarrhea, abdominal distension, and intermittent dribbling of discolored urine during the last three weeks. The buck has been admitted in a depressed state, head lowering, and abdomen distended. Voided urine was centrifuged, and hematuria was proved upon getting urine sedimentation. Results of acid-base balance and blood gases included metabolic acidosis. The PO2, BE, HCO3, TCO2, and sO2 were low while the Anion Gap was high compared to reference ranges. The tested hematological parameters red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin were low while total white blood cells and neutrophils were high, and lymphocytes were low. The most important biochemical findings included hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, hyperglycemia, and marked elevation in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations. During abdominal ultrasonography, a massive amount of peritoneal effusion was found in the peritoneal cavity and the urinary bladder appeared severely distended with echogenic urine. Renal scanning revealed the kidney architecture was misshaped, the renal pelvis was dilated, and the cortex and medulla could be differentiated. All these findings were confirmed postmortem. On histological examination of renal specimens, the renal cortex, and medulla showed diffuse suppurative pyelonephritis. Conclusively, ultrasound was very useful in the verification of pyelonephritis in the buck. It was especially helpful in scanning the renal parenchyma and detecting the abnormal architecture and misshaping of the kidneys. It also revealed severe urinary bladder distension with echogenic urine sediments as well as considerable amounts of peritoneal effusions. In spite of all these results, the histological examination of the kidneys remains the final and decisive diagnosis in such cases. Keywords: Animals, Diagnostic imaging, Goat, Pyelonephritis, Ultrasound. |
The Role of Lactobacillus fermentum in Increasing the Quality and Nutritional Value of Palm Kernel Cake Mirnawati, Gita Ciptaan, Imana Martaguri, Ferawati and Anifah Srifani Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 484-489. Abstract Full text pdfThe aim of this study was to obtain the inoculum doses of Lactobacillus fermentum with optimal fermentation time which has the highest protease activity in increasing the protein contents and excellence of fermented palm kernel cake (FPKC). In this study, Palm kernel cake (PKC) and L. fermentum were fed to 30 broiler chicken Cobb strain CP-707 of 4-weeks age (body weight of 1.5kg) under completely randomized block design with a 3×3 factorial pattern with 3 replications in each group. The first factor (A) was the inoculum dose consisting of 5, 7.5 and 10% (A1, A2, and A3, respectively). The second factor (B) was fermentation length, consisting of 2, 4 and 6 days (B1, B2 and B3). The observed variables were protease activity, cellulase activity, mannanase activity, crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), crude lipid (CL), nitrogen retention (NR), crude fiber digestibility (CFD), and metabolizable energy (ME). The results showed a very significant interaction (P<0.01) between inoculum dose and fermentation length on protease activity, crude protein content, crude fat, and nitrogen retention. Each factor also showed a highly significant (P<0.01) effect on protease activity, content of CP, CL, and NR. It can be concluded that PKC fermented with an 10% inoculum dosage and 4 days’ fermentation gave the best results in terms of cellulase activity 18.01U/mL, manannase 24.95 U/mL, protease 10.55U/mL, CP 26.31%, CF 15.71%, CL 1.45%, NR 63.92%, CFD 55.91% and ME 2752.69kcal/kg. Keywords: Inoculum, L. fermentum, Fermentation, Palm Kernel Cake, Fermentation time. |
In vitro and in vivo Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Efficacy of Selenium Nanoparticles against Staphylococcus aureus Supported with Toxicopathological and Behavioral Studies in Rats Eman S Ibrahim, Abeer M Abdalhamed, Amany A Arafa, Rasha H Eid, Heba MA Khalil, Riham H Hedia, Sohad M Dorgham and Heba F Hozyen Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 490-500. Abstract Full text pdfThe present study aimed to investigate the antibacterial and antibiofilm effects of selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) synthesized by two different methods against Staphylococcus aureus forming biofilm in vivo and in vitro, with a focus on the toxicological and behavioral changes of various SeNPs concentrations in rats. SeNPs were prepared by green and chemical methods and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transimission electron microscope TEM. Their antibacterial efficacy was evaluated by agar well diffusion test, also minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) values were detected. Experimental design sixty female lactating rats were divided into 6 groups: G1 control negative, G2 control positive, G3-G6 infected animals received SeNPs with different concentrations. A bacteriological and histopathological examination of the mammary gland was carried out, an antioxidants assay was evaluated and finally a toxicological study was done. Green synthesized SeNPs showed antibacterial effects at different concentrations (600 ?g/mL to 10?g/mL) with MIC and MBC values of 10?g/mL and 25?g/mL. Time kill kinetics showed that SeNPs inhibited the growth of S. aureus completely after 4 hours. The treated group showed pronounced improvement in the main lactiferous duct with normal histological structure compared with the infected group without treatment; by increasing dose the main lactiferous duct structure and acini became nearly identical to the control negative group. Bacteriological examination showed a complete absence of bacterial colonies in all tested concentrations in female rats. The highest doses of SeNPs showed mild cytoplasmic vacuolization of some hepatocytes with activation of kupffer cells with normal hepatocytes structure compared to the control group, a decrease in catalase (CAT) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in most examined doses compared to the control group, and an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) level in all treated animal. SeNP supplementation could be a safe and helpful treatment for Staphylococcus aureus infection. It prevents biofilms formation both in vitro and in vivo, and it had no notable toxicological or behavioral effects on rats. Keywords: Selenium nanoparticle, Staphylococcus aureus, In vivo, Toxicity, Antioxidant. |
Bioavailability of Calcium, Phosphorus and Quality of Milk Components of Etawa Cross-breed Goats Fed Banana Peels Fauzia Agustin, Novirman Jamarun, Roni Pazla and Hanannisa Suryadi Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 501-507. Abstract Full text pdfThis study investigates the bioavailability of essential minerals, specifically calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P), along with the impact on milk quality components in Etawa Cross-breed goats when supplemented with banana peels in their diet. This study used a randomized block design with 4 treatments. Sixteen Etawa crossbreed goats fed a ration consisting of energy in the form of 68% TDN and crude protein 12%. The treatment was using banana peels at various levels in the diet 0, 0.5, 10 and 15%. The results showed that eating banana peels increased the amount of dry matter consumed (2.97-3.13% of body weight). Bioavailability of Ca, and P were not different (P>0.05) among the four treatments. Milk components were also not significantly different (P>0.05), except for milk lactose content. Milk lactose was increased (P<0.01) with increasing use of banana peels in ration up to 15%. Ratio of calcium to phosphorus was 1.43:1-1.48:1. In conclusion, bioavailability of calcium and phosphorus in lactating goats can be maintained by feeding 15% banana peel in the ration with a value of 57.64 and 49.37% respectively, and with a goat’s milk fat content of 5.21%; milk lactose 4.00% and milk protein 3.10%. This information is required in order to utilize banana peels as an energy source in ruminant diets without disrupting the process of mineral absorption and quality of milk components. Keywords: Agricultural by-product, Dairy goat, Mineral bioavailability, Milk quality. |
Potential of Red Fruit Oil as an Ointment for Burns on Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Purwanta and Ni Putu Vidia Tiara Timur Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 508-513. Abstract Full text pdfHerbal medicine in Indonesia is often used as a healing medium. Red fruit as one of the endemic medicinal plants in Papua has a high content of various active ingredients and antioxidants so it can treat various diseases. The use of topical medicinal preparations in the form of ointments for the treatment of burns is considered the easiest to apply to livestock. The antioxidant content in red fruit accelerates the regeneration of dead skin cells so it is hoped that it can be used as a topical treatment for burns. Antioxidant therapy for burn management has been widely researched. This study aims to determine the quality and effectiveness of red fruit oil herbal from Papua in the ointment preparations for healing burns in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 4 treatments. The treatment given was P0 = Vaseline without red fruit oil (negative control); P1 = Red fruit oil ointment 15%; P2 = Red fruit oil ointment 30%; P3 = Red fruit oil ointment 45%. Variables to be measured and observed in this study include the stability of the ointment preparation (organoleptic test, homogeneity test, spreadability test, ointment pH test, and freeze-thaw cycle stability test and the effectiveness of red fruit oil ointment against burns in rabbits. The quality of red fruit oil ointment for the treatment of burns in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was the best in the P3 formulation (45% red fruit oil) but in the spreadability test, it was still relatively low. Keywords: Burn, Rabbit, Ointment, Red Fruit. |
Epizootological Monitoring of Glanders in the Republic of Kazakhstan Kuantar Alikhanov, Aida Abultdinova, Abylay Sansyzbay, Saltanat Nussupova, Bolat Yespembetov and Nazym Syrym Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 514-520. Abstract Full text pdfThis research aimed to study the epizootological characteristics of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on glanders and to develop an advance forecast of the incidence of zoonotic infections. Epizootic situation by glanders in the world and in Kazakhstan was studied by analyzing the data of reports of the Veterinary Control and Supervision Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and to the World Organization for Animal Health. In addition, articles on the prevalence of glanders in the world and countries bordering with Kazakhstan were examined. OIE data indicate the circulation of the glanders pathogen in some countries of Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa over the past ten years. Special prevention measures against the glanders, carried out in the territory of veterinary and sanitary well-being, which is Kazakhstan, include the basic requirements for preventing the introduction of the pathogen into the country, such as quarantine, clinical examination and negative results of malleinization of imported animals. However, under conditions of intensive development of horse breeding and close economic ties of Kazakhstan with neighboring regions and countries, including those unfavorable for glanders, there is still a risk of introduction of the pathogen into the territory of Kazakhstan. In these conditions, it is necessary to conduct epizootological monitoring with short-term and long-term forecasting and analysis of veterinary and sanitary measures against glanders. Keywords: Glanders, Horses, Monitoring, Malleinisation, Epizootic situation. |
Assessment of Serum Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) and Cortisol Concentration Change in Horses before and after an Acute Exercise Yu Jin Lee, Khandsuren Badgar, Khorolmaa Chimedtseren and Gil Jae Cho Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 521-526. Abstract Full text pdfThis study was conducted to secure basic data for improving the welfare of domestic breeding horses by measuring the accumulation of heart rate and lactic acid before and after exercise and measuring the concentration of Cortisol and HSP70 as indicators for horse stress. For three sessions before exercise, immediately after exercise, and 30 min after exercise, 15 Thoroughbred racing horses and 15 riding horses in domestic breeding were designated, and lactate was measured in plasma using a poly equine health check Polar H10 heart rate meter. In addition, the concentrations of HSP70 and Cortisol, which can be taken as values of stress in three sessions, were analyzed. The levels of HSP70 were measured as 29.43±5.72pg/mL before exercise, 89.74±23.02pg/mL after exercise, 32.19±6.57pg/mL after 30 min of exercise, 41.25±8.26pg/mL before exercise, and 114.02±29pg/mL after exercise (pg/mL) after exercise. Cortisol concentrations were found to be 3.38±1.2µg/dL before exercise, 5.11±1.16µg/dL immediately after exercise, 5.58±2.15µg/dL after 30 min of exercise, 6.61±2.04µg/dL before exercise, 8.47±2.55µg/dL immediately after exercise, and 30 min after exercise. Hematology chemistry in riding horse and racing horses had some differences by items, but there was no significant difference overall. In conclusion, it has been confirmed that racing horses have higher stress from strong exercise compared to riding horses, and plans to use it to promote the welfare of domestic horses in the future. Keywords: Cortisol, Horses, Heat Shock Protein (HSP70), Serum. |
Sperm Quality and Daily Fecal Testosterone Among Six Phenotypes of Kokok Balenggek Rooster Ananda, Jaswandi, Rusfidra, Harif Gusdinal, Gusti Azones Abimanyu, Lusi Anggraini and Firda Arlina Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(4): 527-536. Abstract Full text pdfThis study aims to know sperm quality and daily testosterone profile from fecal samples of the Kokok Balenggek rooster (KBR). This study used 10 KBR consisting of 1 Balang phenotype, 4 Biriang phenotypes, 1 Jalak phenotype, 2 Kinantan phenotypes, 1 Kuriak phenotype, and 1 Taduang phenotype. Semen was collected three times and evaluated for the quality of spermatozoa, including volume, pH, color, consistency, mass movement, motility, concentration, viability, and abnormalities. A fecal sample was carried out on the second day of semen sampling and was collected eight times within 24 hours at 01.00, 03.00, 07.00, 10.00, 13.00, 16.00, 19.00, and 22.00. The results showed that the Taduang phenotype had the lowest quality compared to the other phenotypes (P<0.05) with a mass movement value of 1.0±0.0 (+), spermatozoa concentration 154±69×106 cells/ejaculate, spermatozoa motility 50±10%, viability 88±7.0%, and spermatozoa abnormalities showed the lowest rate with a percentage of 4.6±2.1%. On the other hand, the highest mass movement (+++) and sperm motility of 90±0.0% was established in the Jalak phenotype. The Kuriak phenotype exhibited the highest concentration of sperm and the greatest sperm viability, with values of 2453±530×106 cells/ejaculate and 96±1.0%, respectively. The results of the ELISA analysis showed that the dried fecal testosterone concentration was 179.86±2.22ng/g and was not significantly different between phenotypes (P>0.01), with a testosterone peak occurring at 9-hour intervals in each phenotype. Meanwhile, an increase in testosterone has a positive correlation with an increase in pH and a negative correlation with the concentration, motility, and viability of KBR spermatozoa. Keywords: KBR, Sperm quality, Fecal testosterone. |