Volume 6, No. 2, 2017 Next

Disorders of the Claw and Their Association with Laminitis in Smallholder Zero-grazed Dairy Cows
Nguhiu-Mwangi J, Mbithi PMF, Wabacha JK and Mbuthia PG
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 64-69.
A cross-sectional study was carried out in which 300 zero-grazed dairy cows from 32 smallholder dairy units were examined for claw lesions in the peri-urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya. The objective of the study was to determine the characteristics of claw disorders and their association with laminitis. Lameness for each cow was determined by assessing the locomotion score through a prescribed locomotion scoring system. Each cow was restrained in a crush and the claws thoroughly washed and examined for any external claw lesions or disorders including signs of laminitis. About 1-2 mm thickness of the horn of the sole for each claw was trimmed to confirm laminitis by presence of sole haemorrhages. Data was analyzed using Genstat statistic software. Prevalence of laminitis was 70.3% out of which 49.3% was subclinical laminitis and 21.0% was chronic laminitis. Claw deformities found to be strongly associated with chronic laminitis were claw overgrowth (x2 = 96.69, r = 0.6, P<0.0001), horizontal grooves (x2 = 61.27, r = 0.5, P<0.0001), concave claws (x2 = 59.39, r = 0.4, P<0.0001), flat claws (?2 = 57.87, r = 0.5, P<0.0001), presence of sole haemorrhages (x2 = 50.16, r = 0.4, P<0.0001), double soles (x2 = 42.57, r = 0.4, P<0.0001) and white line separation (x2=37.78, r=0.4, p<0.0001), while sole bruising was moderately associated with chronic laminitis (x2 =11.02, r = 0.2, P = 0.0009). Sole haemorrhages were the only lesions strongly (x2=89.45, r=0.6, P<0.0001) associated with subclinical laminitis. It was therefore concluded that chronic laminitis was strongly associated with deformity types of claw disorders coupled with diffuse sole haemorrhages, while subclinical laminitis was strongly associated with sole haemorrhages only. Keywords: Lameness, Sole haemorrhages, Claw deformities, Subclinical laminitis, Chronic laminitis
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Comparative Study on the Arterial Supply of the Accessory Genital Glands in Adult Male Domestic Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and Wild Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
El karmoty AF, EF Khalifa1 and M Fathi
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 70-76.
The arterial supply of the accessory genital glands was demonstrated on ten adult apparently healthy male rabbits and five male foxes where was oriented by; the umbilical and the internal pudendal arteries of the internal iliac trunk in both animals in addition to the urogenital artery of the internal pudendal artery in rabbits. In rabbits, the ampulla ductus deferens is supplied by the corresponding branch of the caudal vesical artery that ramified from the umbilical vessel. The seminal vesicular gland is received its arterial blood ventrally by the succeeding branch of the caudal vesical artery which arborized from the umbilical trunk and dorsally by the dorsal vesicular branch of the cranial prostatic artery which derived from the urogenital vessel. The two parts of the prostate (proprostate and prostate) are contributed by cranial, middle and caudal prostatic arteries of the urogenital trunk. In foxes, the prostate gland is supplied by the prostatic artery that detached from the umbilical trunk and bifurcated into cranial and caudal prostatic branches. The bulbourethral glands in rabbits are distributed ventrolaterally by right and left; cranial bulbourethral branches of the caudal prostatic arteries that emanated from the urogenital artery while in the foxes they are contributed by dorsal bulbourethral arteries of the internal pudendal artery.
Keywords:Rabbit, Fox, Accessory glands, Arterial supply, Anatomy
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The Prevalence of Salmonella Infection among Gastroenteritis Patients in Nyala City, Southern Darfur, Sudan
AlFadil MO and Raga IO
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 77-80.
This study was conducted in Nyala town, South Darfur State, Sudan, during a period from 2008 – 2010. A total of 200 stool samples were collected from patients suffering from gastroenteritis hospitalized in Nyala Teaching hospital and Yashfein Health Care Centre. The samples were subjected to bacteriological investigation and serological confirmation to study the prevalence rate of enteric fever (EF) in the city. EF prevalence rate was found to be as 13% (26 isolates). The recovered Salmonella isolates were identified to S. typhi 15 (57.7%) and S. paratyphi 11 (42.3%). The isolates were found sensitive to trimethoprim and ciprofloxacin resistant to ampicillin and tetracycline. According to sex, age, and seasonal observation, EF infection was found to be highest in male 16.5% (13/79) and young 65.38% (17/26) patients with high prevalence in autumn 25.54% (14) and water source direct from wells represented highest percentage 17.4 (15/86). This study indicated that there are causes for gastroenteritis other than Salmonella infection in Nyala city.
Keywords: Salmonella, Typhoid fever, Paratyphoid, Enteric fever
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Incidence, Types and Outcomes of Distal Limb Fractures of Racehorses in Kenya: A Retrospective Study of Radiographs (2005-2014)
Samiullah MH, Varma VS, Nguhiu-Mwangi J and Mogoa EGM
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 81-85.
This retrospective study aimed to determine the incidence of fractures affecting the distal limbs of racehorses and their outcomes. A total of 387 radiographs each showing at least one significant bone lesion were examined. These radiographs were from racehorses examined in the period starting 1st January 2005 to 31st December 2014 at the Equine Clinic of the Jockey Club in Kenya. Radiographs showing all types of fractures were retrieved from the records archive and evaluated. Fractures accounted for 23.5% (91/387) of the cases studied and out of these, 56.0% (n=51) were of the distal limb. The commonest distal limb fractures occurred in the phalangeal bones (47.1%, n=24), followed by the proximal sesamoid bones (27.4%, n=14), metacarpal bones (19.6%, n=10) involving mainly metacarpus IV (50.0%, n=5) and metacarpus III (40.0%, n=4), navicular bones (3.9%, n=2) and metatarsal bone (2.0%, n=1). Of the phalangeal fractures, 45.8% (n=11) were chip fractures, while 41.7% (n=10) were single line fractures. Overall, horses with fractures involving the distal limb had a higher incidence for retirement (74.5%, n=38) compared to those that returned to racing (25.5%, n=13). Out of these distal limb fractures, those of the proximal sesamoid bones had a higher incidence for retiring from racing at 85.7% (n=12), while cases of navicular bone fractures that were only 2 retired from racing. The study concluded that among the distal limb fractures occurring in racehorses in Kenya, phalangeal fractures are the commonest particularly those affecting the third phalanx. Racehorses with distal limb fractures in Kenya have a high likelihood of retiring from racing owing to the fact that surgical intervention is rare except for removal of chip fractures.
Keywords:Radiographs, Lameness, Racehorses, Kenya, Fractures, Outcomes
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A Brief Study on Hematological, Sero-Biochemical and Microbiological Results of Umbilical Lesions in Calves
Salci H, Ozdemir Salci ES, Ozakin C and Seyrek Intas K
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 86-89.
This study aimed to evaluate some hematologic, sero-biochemical parameters and microbiological culture results of umbilical lesions in calves. Holstein breed, six calves (n=6) at different age were presented with the complaint of umbilical lesions at different times. Clinical parameters of the cases were recorded, and umbilical lesions were diagnosed following to clinical and ultrasonographical examinations. The encountered pathologies were omphaloarteritis and omphalourachitis in three cases, omphalophlebitis in a case, ulcerous omphalitis in a case and omphalophlebitis and polyarthritis in a case. Peripheral blood samples were collected and then some hematological and sero-biochemical parameters were analyzed. The microbiological samples were taken from umbilical lesions for culture. Blood sample analyses revealed the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and microbiological culture results pointed out enteric bacteria (Escherichia coli, Proteus spp., Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas stutzeri, Providencia stuartii, Proteus mirabilis). As a conclusion, it may be emphasized that a brief hematological, sero-biochemical evaluation as well as local microbiological culture results of the umbilical lesions have valuable information both determination of the prognosis and evaluation of the healthy status of the calves.
Keywords: Hematologic, Sero-biochemical, Microbiologic, Umbilical infection, Calves
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Community’s Perception on Zoonotic Potential of Dog Helminthes Infections in Kangemi Slum of Nairobi, Kenya
Ngetich Wyckliff, Jafred Kitaa and Andrew Thaiyah
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 90-95.
Dogs are the most adopted animals as pets worldwide and therefore pose a potential risk for zoonotic diseases due to the close relationship with humans. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kangemi slum of Nairobi, Kenya between August and October 2016 to assess the community’s level of awareness on zoonotic dog intestinal worms. A total of 185 questionnaires were administered; 110 to persons with dogs in their households and 75 to those without. Demographic characteristics analyzed were age, marital status, religion, education level, occupation, and source of drinking water. Among the respondents, 92.7% kept dogs for security purposes and 7.3% as pets. On dog restraint, 53.6% of respondents let their dogs to freely roam in the neighborhood while 46.4% were confined. Most households disposed dog feces either in the nearby bushes (43.6%) or in a pit latrine (30.0%) with 26.4% disposing in the nearby garbage dump. Only 10% of respondents had dewormed the dogs within the last three months of the study, getting drugs mostly (47.8%) from agro-vet shops while 21.6% had knowledge on zoonotic worms. However, 21.6% reported that dog worms cause serious diseases in humans with 58.4% giving deworming as the main strategy of control and or prevention of these worms. Most of the respondents, (89.7%) had knowledge that stray dogs were possible source of infections to humans. 55.7% were for the opinion that stray dogs should be eradicated. The limited knowledge on zoonoses associated with dog helminthes calls for health education and public awareness, to reduce transmission of these worms to humans.
Keywords:Dogs, Helminthes, Zoonotic, Kangemi, Community, Awareness
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Morphological Features of the Bones and the Arterial Supply of the Wing in the Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) with Special Reference to the Muscles of Flight
Nora A, Shaker and Nawal A Noor
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 96-103.
The present study was performed on twelve adult, apparently healthy hooded crows (Corvus cornix) to investigate the anatomical features of bones of thoracic limb, the muscles responsible for flight and the arterial blood vessels of the wing with special emphasize about the origin, course and distribution of the axillary artery. The birds were slaughtered and subjected for latex injection technique through inserting catheter through the brachiocephalic trunk. Other birds injected with Urograffin for x-ray purposes. These radiographs provided true picture of the topographic relations of the arteries with bony skeletons. The bony structures of the wing were formed by the humerus, ulna, radius, (ulnar and radial carpals), carpometacarpaus and three digits. The main two muscles of wing that responsible for flight; the pectoralis M. and supracoracoideus M. The wing received its arterial supply through the axillary artery.
Keywords: Bones of wing, Muscles, Arterial supply, Wing, Hooded crow
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Isolation and Identification of Candida spp. from Mastitis Cattle Milk and Determination of Antifungal Susceptibilities
Mustafa Sonmez and Goksel Erbas
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 104-107.
Isolation and identification of Candida spp. and determination of their antifungal susceptibilities that cause mycotic mastitis in cattle in Tekirdag province and its counties in Marmara Region were aimed in this research. 100 mastitis milk samples were used in the study. Microorganisms isolated as Candida spp. were identified by API® 20C AUX rapid identification kit. Antifungal susceptibility rates of identified Candida spp. were determined by using disc diffusion technique. Candida spp. was detected in the 25 of the 100 mastitis milk samples. According to results of API® 20C AUX rapid identification kit, 8 C. krusei (32%), 5 C. albicans (20%), 3 of each C. boidinii, C. famata and C. kefyr (12%), 2 C. spherica (8%) and 1 C. thermophilia (4%) were identified from the 25 isolated strains. In the evaluation of test results of isolated strains that performed in respect to M-44 directive of CLSI (Method for Antifungal Disc Diffusion Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts; Approved Guideline); all strains were found 100% susceptible to Ketoconazole and 100% resistant to Fluconazole, Miconazole, Amphoteracine B and Flucytosine. Two of the C. albicans (40%) and 1 of the C. krusei (12.5%) isolates were susceptible Nystatin while all the other isolates were moderately resistant to that. This study contributes significantly to the literature as one of the rare studies addressing the development of antifungal resistance.
Keywords:Mastitis, Candida spp., Identification, Antifungal susceptibility
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Testicular and Body Morphometric Traits of Mature Rams of Djallonke and Ouda Breeds Reared in North Benin
Koutinhouin G. Benoît, Tougan Polycarpe Ulbad, Boko K. Cyrille, Douada I-H, Zannou M. Serge, Aholou A. B. Raou, Beckers Yves, Hanzen Ch and Thewis André
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 108-113.
The study aims to compare the testicular and body morphometric traits of Djallonke and Ouda sheep breeds reared on natural pasture in Benin. Data on testicles and body morphometric parameters were collected on 70 mature rams at 12 months of age, including 45 Djallonke rams and 25 Ouda rams, from January 2015 to September 2016. These data were analyzed with SAS software (2006). It comes out from this study that Ouda rams were significantly heavier (P<0.001) than Djallonke rams at 12 months old. In the same way, the head length (19.29cm) and whither’s height (57.39 cm) of Ouda Sheep were higher (P<0.01) than those of Djallonke sheep (17.92cm and 53.9 cm). Nevertheless, the scapulo-ischium length and chest circumference were similar (P>0.05) for both sheep breeds. However, the Djallonke sheep had presented the lower values of shoulder width and pelvis length (19.22 cm vs 22.61cm).
The scrotal length was significantly affected (P<0.01) by the sheep breed with the weakest value (13.73 cm) recorded within Djallonke sheep breed comparatively to Ouda rams (15.01 cm). In the same way, the scrotal circumference, paired testes weight, mean testes length, testes diameter and mean testes volume varied significantly (P<0.001) according to the sheep breed with the highest values observed in Ouda sheep. Keywords: Breed, Sheep, Testis, Morphometric traits, Variability
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Detection of Anti-Neospora caninum Antibodies in a Goat Flock in Kilis Province of Turkey
Armagan Erdem Utuk and Funda Eski
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 114-117.
Neospora caninum is a significant agent causing abortion in cattle. There are many studies about cattle neosporosis due to its economic impact; however, the number of studies on neosporosis in goats is limited. In this pilot study, we aimed to detect anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in Kilis and Shami goats from the same flock in Kilis province of Turkey. For this aim, 92 sera samples were obtained from dairy goats between the ages of 1and 10 years, and tested with commercially available competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) kit. At the end of the study, it was detected that 23.91% (11/46) of Shami and 6.52% (3/46) of Kilis goats were positive against anti-N.caninum antibodies and overall prevalence was 15.21% (14/92). According to our statistical examination, significant difference was observed between seropositivity rates of Kilis and Shami goats using the Chi Square test (P<0.05). In this study, we presented the rates of exposure to N.caninum in two different breeds of goats in Kilis province of Turkey.
Keywords:Neospora caninum, Goat, c-ELISA, Kilis, Turkey
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Bovine Tuberculosis: A 3-Year Retrospective Study on Incidence and Economic Implication of Gross Pathologic Condemnations at Karu Abattoir, Abuja, Nigeria
Akinbobola JS, Akinbobola RIA, Omeje JN, Tijani KA, Hamidu ZA and Okaiyeto SO
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 118-120.
Meat from Karu abattoir serves a large proportion of Abuja Municipal Area Council residents in the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja) and some parts of Nasarawa state. For this reason, the study was conducted to investigate the prevalence and direct economic losses associated with tuberculosis in cattle slaughtered in Karu Abattoir, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Using abattoir records and average cost of organ per kilogram from 2013-2015, prevalence of bovine tuberculosis and associated economic losses were statistically evaluated. There was an overall prevalence of 0.72%. Prevalence in males was 0.61% (95% Confidence Interval: 0.61±0.06) while it was 0.93% (95% Confidence Interval: 0.93±0.01) in females. An annual prevalence of 0.73% (95% Confidence Interval: 0.73±0.08), 0.69% (95% Confidence Interval: 0.69±0.09) and 0.76% (95% Confidence Interval: 0.76±0.01) were recorded in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Seasonal prevalence also revealed a higher organ condemnation in the rainy than dry season.
The total economic loss resulting from post mortem condemnations was valued at N1,639,000 ($9526.7). Annual economic losses for 2013, 2014 and 2015 were valued at N513,200 ($3237.2), N505,100 ($3055.3) and 620,700 ($3234.2) respectively. In addition to the economic losses accruing from condemnation, it was concluded that the residents of the area council are exposed to the zoonotic disease.
Keywords: Bovine tuberculosis, Economic implication, Incidence, Karu abattoir
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Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Observations of Bursa of Fabricius in Nandanam Chicken
Jeyachandra Kempashi, TA Kannan, Sabiha Hayath Basha, A Raja and Geetha Ramesh
Inter J Vet Sci, 2017, 6(2): 121-126.
The study was aimed to provide the basic findings about the histochemical and immunohistochemical details of bursa of Fabricius in Nandanam broiler chickens of four different age groups viz., day-old, two, four and six weeks. Paraffin sections and cryosections of fresh unfixed tissue, tissues fixed in chilled formol-calcium and neutral buffered formaldehyde were used for various histochemical and immunohistochemical studies. The presence of acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides was demonstrated in the epithelial cells lining the bursal mucosa, tunica serosa and epithelium between the cortex and medulla of lymphoid follicles. The presence of tyrosine kinase (Trk) like protein was evident in the epithelium lining the bursal plicae and lymphoid follicles in all the age groups studied. Lipid droplets were noticed only in interfollicular connective tissue in day-old birds. They were also noticed in the cortex and medulla of lymphoid follicle from two weeks onwards and they coalesced to form clumps in the medulla as age advanced. Metachromasia in the epithelium covering the bursal plicae, in mast cells present in the interfollicular connective tissue and in subcapsular area was demonstrated by toluidine blue method. The Bu-1a+ cells were found both in the cortex and medulla, but the intensity of immune-labelling was more in cortex when compared to medulla. CD3+ cells were noticed in the bursa of all age groups except day-old birds.
Keywords:Nandanam chicken, Bursa of Fabricius, Histochemistry, Immunohistochemistry
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