Volume 12, No. 6, 2023 (Published: 15-Oct-2023)Next

Infrared Thermography in Healthy Arabian Camels (Camelus dromedarius)
Mohamed Tharwat and Abdulla Al-Hawas
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 762-767.
The present clinical investigation was accomplished during the events of the fifth King Abdulaziz Camel Festival (KACF), Kingdome of Saudi Arabia. It was planned to investigate surface thermographic measurements in healthy dromedary camels. A total of 4627 dromedary camels were examined for cosmetic medicine; 90 camels were tested for infrared thermography (IRT). Eighteen anatomic were evaluated and results were tabulated. These included upper lips, lower lips, nostrils, nasal alae, pinna, maxilla, mandible, eyeball, neck, chest, abdomen, hump, tail sides, perineum, udder, testis, penile sheath and foot. Seventy-four camels with injected or stretched lips were also examined. A control group consisting of 25 camels was used. Injected lips with fillers were detected in fourteen camels and extended lips were discovered in other sixty dromedaries. When tested by IRT, the injection sites appeared darker than that the surrounding tissue. There were no significant differences between the values in injected lips compared to that in controls. Similarly, there were no significant differences between the values in stretched lips compared to that in controls. The stretched lips appeared longer, flabby and puffy. When tested by IRT, the mucosal surface in the stretched lips appeared lighter and heterogeneous compared to the darker and homogenous pattern in the non-stretched lips. Concluding, the thermographic values of this study are reference values for healthy camels in a similar environment. The obtained results also showed that IRT is highly feasible and shows promise for detecting lesions such as injected or stretched lips. However, it is not enough and should be combined with clinical and ultrasonographic examinations.
Keywords: Animal health, Animal husbandry, Infrared devices, Pathophysiology, Physiology.
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Epidemiology of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus in Different Egyptian Governorates during 2021–2022
Asmaa IM Desouky, Amal HT Abdelnaser, Magda MA Moustafa, IM Elboraay and Samah El Sayed Ali Abodalal
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 768-775.
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) outbreaks have occurred in Egyptian rabbit flocks resulting insignificant mortalities and severe economic losses. During 2021–2022, 20 samples were collected from different rabbit flocks with age range of 20 days to 6 months with high mortality rates, clinical symptoms, and post-mortem lesions attributed to rabbit hemorrhagic disease. The examined rabbit flocks were in Lower Egypt governorates including Qalubia, Sharkia, Kafr ElSheikh, Dakhlia, Gharbia, and Behira, and in Upper Egypt governorates including Giza, Menia, Assuit, and Sohag. The present investigation aimed at molecular identification of the current rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) strains detected in distinct rabbit populations in various Egyptian governorates. Hemagglutination (HA) test and molecular characterization using a one-step reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) targeting the partial VP60 of RHDV were utilized for identifying these agents. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis were successfully conducted for genotyping RHDV strains. 17/20 (about 85%) farms were RHDV-positive, which was confirmed using HA test and RT-PCR. Two genotypes were identified through partial sequencing of theVP60 gene, six strains were clustered to RHDV2/b, and the other three strains were clustered to the RHDVa strain. According to the current study, RHDV2 has become the predominant strain threatening the rabbit populations in Lower Egypt governorates. On the contrary, the RHDVa strain continues to be a hazard to the rabbit flocks in Upper Egypt governorates including Giza, Menia, and Assuit.
Keywords: Egypt, RHDV, HA test, RT-PCR, Sequencing, VP60.
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Risk Factors Associated with Occurrence of Thermophilic Campylobacter in Cattle Herds Raised on Integrated Small-Scale Farms in Kajiado County, Kenya
Daniel W. Wanja, Paul G. Mbuthia, Lilly C. Bebora, Gabriel O. Aboge, Daniel W. Muasya and Robert Ofwete
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 776-785.
Integrated farms are small-holder farms that rear a mixture of different food animals in close proximity. Subsequently, a survey was carried out to establish two aspects: (1) occurrence rate of thermophilic Campylobacter in cattle in 55 integrated small-scale farms within Kajiado County; a total of 265 cattle rectal swabs were randomly collected for bacterial isolation, and (2) factors associated with Campylobacter occurrence; these included administration of pre-tested questionnaires, to collect data on respective farm characteristics and management practices, and isolation of Campylobacter from respective water and chicken cloacal swabs (as possible sources of infection). The collected rectal/cloacal swabs and water samples were specifically processed for Campylobacter isolation, followed by confirmation using a singleplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, while the questionnaire data was analyzed using logistic regression models. Campylobacters in cattle were detected in 72.7% (95% confidence interval (95%CI) =60.9-84.5) of the surveyed farms. The farm/herd level Campylobacter positivity ranged from 12.5% to 100%; 27.3% (95%CI=15.5-39.1) of the surveyed farms were Campylobacter negative. Of the Campylobacter positive farms, the mean prevalence was 48.14%, with a median of 50%. Farm stocking dairy breeds [adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=12.7, 95%CI: 3.2-60], presence of companion animals in farms that did not co-graze cattle with other ruminants (AOR=10, 95%CI=1.2-95.9), Campylobacter positivity in chicken (AOR=5.8, 95%CI=2.2-16.2), presence of donkey (AOR=5.0, 95%CI=1.1-27.4), presence of pigs (AOR=4.9, 95%CI=1.2-23.5), and minimal hygiene of the housing unit (AOR=3.3, 95%CI=0.9-12.6) were associated with Campylobacter carriage in cattle. Keeping chicken and other birds irrespective of their Campylobacter status appeared to have a “protective” effect (AOR=0.2, 95%CI=0.03-0.6), against Campylobacter positivity in cattle. This suggests a complex web of transmission pathways of campylobacters in cattle and the environment. Interventions targeting these factors coupled with stringent biosecurity and sanitary measures are recommended so as to minimize the risk of Campylobacter transmission and/or occurrence in cattle environment.
Keywords: Thermophilic Campylobacter, Risk Factors, Management Practices, Biosecurity.
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Avian Influenza H5N1 Isolated from Bali, its Safety and Potential as a New Vaccine Candidate
Gusti Ayu Yuniati Kencana, I Nyoman Suartha, Putu Teza Juliantari, Kevin Tri Tama, Anak Agung Sagung Kendran, Tri Komala Sari, Kadek Karang Agustina and I Wayan Masa Tenaya
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 786-792.
Avian Influenza H5N1(AI-H5N1) is a highly contagious viral disease that causes high morbidity and mortality in chickens. As in many infected countries, the disease has been endemic in Indonesia since 2005, and vaccination to control it had massively been implemented but the outbreak has been frequently reported. One of the most critical of this condition was associated with the ability of the virus to mutate quickly leading to no protective antibodies, so it was crucial to find new locally viral candidates for a homolog vaccine. Fortunately, an AI-H5N1 isolate was successfully isolated in Bali the so-called A/Chicken/Bali9C/GAY/2019 and had been made for a new inactivated vaccine candidate and proven to be safely tested in a BSL-3 laboratory. However, this novel vaccine candidate has never been tested in the field, therefore, the aims of this research were to test the safety aspects of the vaccine in field. A total of 40 layers of Novogen Brow strain at 5 weeks old were used in this study and immunized once using the vaccine at the age of 5 weeks. Blood samples were collected one week before vaccination and repeated at one-week intervals for 5 weeks. The antibody response was tested using the HI test and hematological changes were examined using standard procedures. The results showed that antibody titers increased significantly from 1st to 4th weeks post-vaccination with a titer of ?16 HI units, and after a further booster at week 4th, it reached a peak titer of about 256 HI units. Hematological data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s test using SPSS for windows. No significant difference (P>0.05) was observed in the hematological profile tested including total erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, as well as the heterophils and lymphocytes ratio. The serological and hematological analyses suggested that this vaccine trial was valuable and safe coinciding with the clinical data that all the immunized chickens showed no clinical disease during the experimental studies. It was concluded that the A/Chicken/Bali9C/GAY/2019 had the potential to be used as novel and safe vaccine candidate, although other efficacy factors such as challenge studies and cellular immunity should be further evaluated.
Keywords: Layer Chickens, Vaccination, AI-H5N1, Hematological Test, H/L Ratio.
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Deep Swellings in Sheep and Goats: Clinical, Ultrasonographic and Post-Mortem Findings
Madeh Sadan, Mohamed Tharwat and Wael El-Deeb
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 793-801.
Surgical swellings are commonly occurring in sheep and goats causing health problems and economic losses. This study was carried out to describe the findings of deep-seated lesions and assess the role of ultrasonography and post-mortem findings in the verification of these lesions in sheep and goats. Thirty-four animals (sheep, n=18; goats, n=16) were used in this investigation based on the presence of deep lesions in the abdomen and pelvis. Clinical and ultrasonographic examination of deep swellings resulted in a diagnosis of abscesses (n=22; 64.70%), hydatid cysts (n=7; 20.60%), and Hematomas (n=5; 14.70%). Each lesion type could be properly differentiated by ultrasonography; the echogenicity differed based on sort, site, and inclusions as well as the duration of the structures. Abscesses were recognized as a structure containing homogenously distributed contents enclosed in a thickened echogenic surrounding in the acute stage, while long-lasting lesions were imaged as echogenic lesions and were demarcated with an echogenic wall. Hydatid cysts are diagnosed as lesions with anechoic contents including echogenic solid septa. Hematomas occurred mostly in the abdomen. It varied when imaged based on the history of the disease, and the term of the affection. Hematomas appeared as heterogeneous masses due to the infiltration of blood within the tissues. Conclusively, ultrasonography is a rapid, precise, distinctive, non-invasive diagnostic modality that proves accurate diagnosis and successive surgical decisions used for the management of variant deep-seated lesions in sheep and goats.
Keywords: Animals, Diagnostic Imaging, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Ruminant.
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The Effect of Different Farm Altitudes on The Production, Quality, and Mineral Contents of the Etawa Crossbred Dairy Goat’s Milk
Arief, Rahmani Welan, Roni Pazla, Novirman Jamarun, Gusri Yanti and Rani Winardi Wulan Sari
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 802-809.
The present study aims to determine and compare the production, quality, and mineral content of Etawa crossbred dairy goat milk at various altitudes, such as the lowland, medium, and highlands of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The data were collected through laboratory tests and direct observations of livestock companies in each selected region. These regions included Padang (9 meters above sea level or MASL), Payakumbuh City (516 meters above sea level or MASL), and Agam Regency (1100 meters above sea level or MASL), representing the lowland, medium plain area, and highlands, respectively. The study used 30 lactating Etawa crossbred dairy goats. Furthermore, the parameters measured included environmental conditions (temperature, humidity), feed consumption, milk production, and quality, which consisted of fat, protein content, specific gravity, lactose, pH, dry matter, and macro and micro minerals in milk. The results showed that the milk production and ration consumption in the highlands was significantly (P<0.05) higher than in the medium plain and lowlands. Conclusively, differences in altitude cause differences in consumption, production, and quality of Etawa crossbred dairy goat's milk. Keywords: Altitude, Etawa crossbred dairy goat, Highland, Milk production and quality.
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Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) in Backyard Chicken in Jordan
F.M.F. Hayajneh and S.A. Araj
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 810-814.
Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute and highly infectious and contagious disease that affects young chickens. The current study aims to determine the seroprevalence of IBD in healthy, non-vaccinated male chickens raised as backyard chickens and histopathological changes. We collected 210 tissues and blood samples from backyard chickens in Amman, Jordan. Indirect ELISA was applied to test serum samples for IBD virus antibodies. Morbid tissue samples of livers and spleens were processed for histopathological examination. The study revealed 80.95% prevalence rates of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) antibodies. Seropositivity to IBDV did not vary significantly between the study sites. It was concluded that IBD is endemic and broadly appeared in the studied areas. Histopathological study revealed that IBD rendered depletion of lymphoid tissue in the spleen. The franked disease did not occur in adult and older chickens, though those were also seropositive for IBD virus antibodies.
Keywords: Infectious Bursal Disease, Backyard Chickens, ELISA, Antibody, Histopathology
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Expression Analysis of Interleukin-13 Gene in the Small Intestine of Three Genotypes of chickens Administered Conventional Antibiotics and Garlic
Okenyi NJ, Ndofor-Foleng HM, Tchoupou-Tchoupou EC, Ikeh NE, Nwenya JM, Amaefule BC, Uberu CPN, Nwosu IC and Onyimonyi AE
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 815-521.
This study aimed at evaluating the interleukin-13 gene in small intestine of three genotypes of chickens reared in the derived savannah. The study adopted a 3 x 3 factorial (3 genotypes and 3 treatments) in a completely randomized design. The genotypes that were used for the study were exotic genotype (White Leghorn), local (Nigerian Heavy Ecotype) chicken and crossbred (cross between exotic and local chicken). The treatments were: Control (water + No extract), Ciprofloxacin (water + Ciprofloxacin) and Garlic (water + Allium sativum extract at a dose of 800 mg/ml). A total of 360 F1 chicks (120 chicks from each genotype were randomly distributed into 3 groups (40 chicks per treatment) having 4 replicates (10 chicks in each). At 2, 4, and 6 months of age, the small intestines were collected and stored in RNA later for expression of interleukin-13 using the qPCR method expression studies. The effect of genotype x treatment interaction on the expression of interleukin-13 gene in the small intestinal tissues showed significant variations (P<0.05) at 2, 4 and 6 months of age. The local and crossbred birds fed garlic showed a greater upregulation of the interleukin-13 gene compared to the rest of the group. The results suggested chicken administered garlic had a higher expression of interleukin-13 gene in the small intestine at 2 and 4 months compared with chickens on the control diet and those given ciprofloxacin. The effect of garlic on gene expression however reduced at 6 months of age. Keywords: Crossbreeding, Expression Analysis, Genotype Chicken Interleukin-13 and Nutrigenomic.
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Metagenomic Analysis and Identification of Epizootic Strains of the Causative Agent of Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis in Kazakhstan
Rano Sattarova, Kuandyk Shynybaev, Flyura Bakiyeva, Vitaliy Strochkov, Karlygash Boranbayeva, Orik Zhanserkenova, Shinara Kassymbekova, Akerke Ibadullayeva and Aigerim Khamzina
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 822-831.
This research aimed to identify the causative agent of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) Moraxella strains and differentiate them using 16S rRNA sequencing and PCR. The 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene sequencing method was used to determine the microbiome. This is due to the high commonness of this gene in the genomes of all prokaryotes, which allows selecting universal primers to strengthen areas of interest and reduce the cost and time of research. PCR-RT was used for the identification of Moraxella strains. In this study, we identified the causative agents Moraxella bovis and Moraxella bovoculi based on the metagenomics analysis of infected cattle in the Republic of Kazakhstan. We visualized the obtained data using Krona’s diagram and EDGE bioinformatics software. We differentiated M. bovis and M. bovoculi from other cultures of Moraxella spp. using PCR-RT. For the first time in Kazakhstan, strains that cause IBK were identified using metagenomic analysis. This raises the diagnosis of IBK, a widespread infectious cattle disease, to a genetic level. Our research will serve as the foundation for the further scientific study of the accompanying microorganisms, followed by recommendations for herd welfare and the prevention of economic losses associated with the death and therapeutic manipulations of sick animals.
Keywords: 16S RNA Sequencing, Cattle, Moraxella, PCR Real Time, Pink Eye.
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Investigations into the Role of Zoo Animals in Transmitting the Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBL) E. coli in the Environment
Asma Riaz, Muhammad Armaghan Shahzad, Aitezaz Ahsan, Rizwan Aslam, Muhammad Usman, Basit Rasheed, Munib Hussain, Maryam Irtash, Muhammad Kashif Saleemi, Abdul Ali, Sajid Mahmood Sajid and Hamid Irshad
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 832-837.
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases producing E. coli (ESBL E. coli) have emerged as an important human and veterinary medicine issue. Zoo animals may act as a reservoir of ESBL E. coli responsible for transmission of ESBL E. coli to humans, animals, and the environment. A total of one hundred fecal samples were collected from zoo animals of two different zoos and analyzed for presence of ESBL E. coli. E. coli isolates (n=52) were recovered from 100 samples. The combination of CTX-M and TEM genes (32/52; 61.5%) was commonly observed in ESBL E. coli isolates followed by TEM (10/52; 19.2%) and CTX genes (5/52; 9.6%). Antimicrobial susceptibility profiling of ESBL E. coli isolates showed that 100% of the isolates were resistant to more than three antibiotics. The study indicated that zoo animals may act as reservoirs for transmission of multidrug resistant ESBL E. coli to humans, animals, and environment.
Keywords: Antimicrobial Drug Resistance, Escherichia Coli, Beta-Lactamases, Zoo Animals, Primate.
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The Effects of Oxidation on the Physicochemical Properties of Semitendinosus and Vastus Lateralis Muscles from Thai Native Cattle (Bos indicus)
Ari Wibowo, Nurul Fajrih, Worawan Panpipat, Siriporn Riebroy, Suhardi and Manat Chaijan
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 838-846.
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of oxidation on the Semi-tendinosus (ST) and Vastus lateralis (VL) muscles of Thai native cattle (Kamphaeng Saen beef cattle). The muscle samples ST and VL (n = 6) were collected from three cows and sliced into 3 cm steaks. These steaks were stored at 50°C for seven days and analyzed for proximate and myoglobin content on day 0. The pH, expressible drip, cooking loss, surface color L*(lightness), a* (redness/greenness), and b*(yellowness/blueness), hardness and values of Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) were monitored from day 0 to day 7 of storage. The results indicated that the vastus lateralis muscle was more susceptible to lipid oxidation in terms of TBARS compared to the ST muscle, which was linked to its higher percentage of myoglobin on days 5 and 7 of storage. Additionally, a decline in the redness/greenness of surface color (a* value) of the vastus lateralis muscle was observed on days 5 and 7, concomitantly with an increase in myoglobin and TBARS content, indicating discoloration. These changes were attributed to the differences in anatomical position and physical activity of these muscles. These findings suggest that muscle source can influence the rate of deterioration and discoloration during chilled storage.
Keywords: Lipid Oxidation, Semitendinosus, Vastus lateralis, Discoloration, Thai Native Cattle.
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Morphogenesis of the Spleen and Cloacal Bursa of a Chicken Embryo under the Influence of “Ligfolum” and “Placenta Denatured Emulsified”
Dauletbek Muratbayev, Akerke Ygiyeva, Yermekkazy Bilyalov, Olga Zaikovskaya and Assel Zhexenayeva
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 847-852.
The increasing consumption of poultry products and the intensification of production have prompted the investigation of the effect of solutions of “Ligfolum” and “Placenta denatured emulsified” on the development and morphology change of the spleen in chicken embryos, which is the goal of this study. Morphometric and histological methods were used to investigate the features of the development of chicken embryos under the influence of these solutions. Findings showed a significant superiority of the relative bursa mass of embryos of the second experimental group by 37.7% and 6.86% compared to the control group. The absolute weight of the spleen of the first experimental group exceeded that of the control group, while in the second experimental group, the difference between the relative weight of the cloacal bursa in the embryos of the experimental groups and the control group decreased. The histological structure of the spleen and cloacal bursa in embryos of the experimental groups indicates a more intensive development of these organs and their functional activity. The functional activity of the spleen and cloacal bursa in the experimental groups related to their more intensive development. This study has practical significance, as it allows increasing the overall resistance of the body by unlocking the potential of the immune system under the influence of these solutions at the beginning of chicken embryo development.
Keywords: Chicken, Immune System, Spleen, Antenatal Ontogenesis, Ligfolum, Histological and Morphological Analysis, BOF.
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Low Temperature-Survivability Behavior of Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Enterica Serovar Typhimurium and Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Enterica Serovar Enteritidis in a Minced Beef Meat Model as an Evaluation of the Cold Chain’s Preserving-Effectiveness
Salma Mahmoud, Hassan Aboul-Ella, Sherif Marouf and Wagih Armanious
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 853-859.
Salmonella spp. commonly existed in processed meat production and consumption environment. Hence, their transmission to meat products is of great concern. The industry has widely used cold chain low temperatures as a strategy to prevent the bacterial growth, and recently, refrigeration and freezing have been suggested as a preserving method to improve mechanical operations, quality, and safety of meat products. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the most used low temperatures in the cold chain, on the survival of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salmonella Typhimurium) and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis (Salmonella Enteritidis) that were artificially inoculated on the raw minced meat products. Samples were refrigerated at (6°C) or completely frozen at (-20°C) for 9weeks. The Salmonella spp. were recovered on appropriate selective and non-selective media. Log reductions and their reflection on the extent of bacterial cell injury were calculated and treatments were calculated and compared. No significant differences were observed in the bacterial count log reduction of refrigerated or frozen bacteria on minced beef meat up to the most used minced meat low temperature keeping periods (14days). The average reduction for Salmonella Enteritidis was 0.5log CFU/mL, and for Salmonella Typhimurium 2logs CFU/mL; therefore, none of the final reductions were greater than (3logs). Bacterial cell injury was not significantly different among any of the treatments in the first 14days, but variant reductions have been recorded further. Data showed no practical significance for the initial bacterial count log reduction of these pathogens from refrigeration and freezing, thus, this technology should not be considered as a strategy for the reduction or elimination of Salmonella spp.
Keywords: Food, Foodborne Salmonellosis, Cold chain, Minced Beef, Meat.
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Evaluation of Rumen Degradable Protein Values from Various Tropical Foliages Using in Vitro and in Situ Methods
Roni Pazla1, Mardiati Zain, Despal, Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria, Ezi Masdia Putri, Malik Makmur, Rika Zahera, Laila Atika Sari, Insan Mujahid Afnan, Annisa Rosmalia, Yayang Ila Yulianti, Sherly Dwi Putri, Andi Mushawwir and Ratu Anggista Apriliana
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 860-868.
There are no recommended methods for obtaining rumen degradable protein (RDP) values of tropical foliage to meet ruminant feed quality standards. Different methods have produced different RDP values, prompting this study to compare and adjust values of RDP in tropical foliage obtained using both in situ and in vitro methods. Nine types of tropical foliages (Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, Calliandra calothyrsus, Indigofera zollingeriana, Moringa oleifera, Calopogonium mucunoides, Arachis hypogaea, Sesbania grandiflora, and Arachis pintoi) were analyzed for their chemical composition (ash, crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) using proximate analysis, Van Soest’s fiber fraction, and Cornell protein fraction. The samples were then evaluated for their degradation characteristics, including dry matter degradation (DMD), organic matter degradation (OMD), and RDP in rumen using 1) conventional or first-stage in vitro rumen fermentation technique, 2) modification of the first-stage in vitro method, and 3) in situ method. The evaluation was performed in three consecutive runs using a completely randomized design for chemical analysis and a randomized complete block design for degradation study. The result shows that I. zollingeriana, M. oleifera, L. leucocephala, and G. sepium are among the best tropical foliage for ruminants due to their higher CP, DMD, OMD, and RDP values resulting from lower CF, NDF and ADF values. C. calothyrsus, with its high CP and low fiber, resulted in DMD, OMD and RDP values but its high tannin content in the foliage may be a limiting factor. Conventional and in situ produced similar degradation characteristics, significantly higher than in vitro modification. It is recommended to cultivate I. zollingeriana, M. oleifera, L. leucocephala, and G. sepium for ruminant protein supplements, and it is suggested to use standard in vitro to obtain a precise RDP value of tropical foliages.
Keywords: Tropical Foliage, RDP, Method, Ruminant, Protein Supplement.
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The Efficacy of Alcoholic Extracts of Morus Macroura (Mulberries), Lepidium Sativum (Garden Cress Seeds) and Diclazuril Against E. stiedae in Experimentally Infected Rabbits
Marwa Saleh, Mohamed Ramadan, Reham Elmadawy, Mai Morsi and Lubna El-Akabawy
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 869-878.
The current study aimed to assess the protective role of Morus Macroura (Mulberries), Lepidium Sativum (Garden Cress Seeds) against E. stiedae in experimentally infected rabbits. Fifty rabbits were randomly divided into five groups: G1 and G2 rabbits were supplemented with M. Macroura and L. sativum; respectively with a daily dose of 300mg/kg BW which began one week before infection and continued daily till the end of the experiment. G3 was administered diclazuril (1ppm) for only one week before infection; G4 was kept as infected- non-treated (CP) and G5 was kept as untreated- uninfected (CN). On 7th day of the experiment, all groups except G5 were orally infected with 104 sporulated oocysts of E. stiedae using a stomach tube. The following up of the clinical symptoms, weight, fecal oocysts count, hematological and biochemical parameters (liver, and kidney function) were done for each rabbit throughout the experiment, in addition the lesion score was done after PM examination and histopathology of the liver. The results revealed a significant improvement in clinical signs in botanical plant and diclazuril treated groups, with an improvement in body weight, a highly significant reduction in oocysts shedding with a significant improvement of CBC and liver and kidney enzymes compared to CP group. In conclusion, both M. Macroura and L. Sativum could equally compete with the chemical drug (Diclazuril) in their anti-coccidial effect on E. stiedae and can be used as a safe useful alternative remedy to control rabbit coccidiosis.
Keywords: Coccidiosis, Morus macroura, Lepidium sativum, Alcoholic extract.
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Effect of Temperature-Humidity Index on Thermoregulation Responses of Pesisir Cattle in Different Altitudes
Yetmaneli, Bagus Priyono Purwanto, Rudy Priyanto, Wasmen Manalu and Roni Pazla
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 879-886.
This experiment was designed to study the effect of Temperature Humidity Index (THI) on the thermoregulation responses and the velocity of thermoregulation responses rate of Pesisir cattle raised in lowland (0-300masl) and highland areas (>600masl) in West Sumatra, Indonesia. This study used 8 Pesisir cattle as subjects. Parameters measured were ambient temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH), and THI, rectal temperature (Tr), skin temperature (Ts), body temperature (Tb), respiration rate (RR), and heart rate (HR). The correlation between THI and thermoregulation responses was analyzed by linear regression analysis. The results showed that the physiological responses of Pesisir cattle were most affected by THI in the lowlands were skin temperature (R2=87.02%), body temperature (R2=73.39%), respiration rate (R2=31.59%), and rectal temperature (R2=30.09%), while in the highlands, body temperature (R2=84.32%), skin temperature (R2=79.57%), rectal temperature (R2=74.95%) and respiration rate (R2=53.91%). The conclusion of the study showed that THI in lowland and highland areas affected body temperature, rectal temperature, skin temperature, and respiration rate but did not affect heart rate. The velocity of the skin temperature rate of Pesisir cattle is higher in the lowland area than in the highland area. The velocity of rectal temperature rate, body temperature rate and respiratory rate of Pesisir cattle raised in highland were higher than in the lowland area.
Keywords: Highland, Lowland, Microclimate, Pesisir Cattle, Thermoregulation.
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Identification of Rabbit Main Leukocyte Populations Based on Scatter Properties: A Flow Cytometric Approach
Albana Munga, Doriana Beqiraj, Gabriele Brecchia, Rezart Postoli, Laura Mencchetti, Enkeleda Ozuni, Stella Agradi, Pëllumb Zalla, Marta Castrica, Gerald Muça, Giulio Curone, Xhelil Koleci, Susanna Draghi, Brixhilda Qyra and Majlind Sulçe
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 887-891.
The complete blood count analysis is of great importance in animals, as it can help in the initial diagnosis and the subsequent follow-up for these patients. For this purpose, the manual count is mainly used in rabbits to identify different cell populations and their respective percentages. Different studies have shown that complete blood count can also be performed using automatic methods to analyse rabbit cell populations. Flow cytometry is a relatively new technique in veterinary medicine that has been used for the diagnosis and staging of many medical disorders in many species. In this study, sixty-one peripheral blood samples were collected from healthy rabbits and analysed using both classic manual method and flow cytometry to evaluate the usefulness of flow cytometry in identifying different cell populations based only on their scatter properties. The results showed that flow cytometry is a reliable method to detecting different cell populations, such as granulocytes, small and large lymphocytes (for all: intra-class correlation coefficient >0.75) with high accuracy based on their scatter properties. Biases calculated using the Bland-Altman approach ranged from -0.1118to -1.256 for large lymphocytes and monocytes, respectively. However, further research with a larger number of cases and the implication of other helping techniques such as cell sorting, is necessary to fully confirm these results.
Keywords: Flow Cytometry, Cytology, Leukocytes, Scatter properties, Rabbit.
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Mature Cystic Ovarian Teratoma in an Arabian Mare
Fahd A Al-Sobayil, Derar R Derar, Mostafa M Khodeir and Ahmed Ali
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 892-896.
A 9-year-old Arabian mare was admitted due to emaciation and infertility. Transrectal palpation revealed an enlarged left ovary. Ultrasonographic examination (US) showed a heterogeneous image. Blood samples were obtained for biochemical and hormonal analysis. The affected ovary was surgically removed. The mare’s cycle was regular, evidenced by estradiol 17? and progesterone levels. After gross- and histopathology, the diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma (MCT) was confirmed. The elevated liver enzymes gradually decreased following the operation coinciding with the mare’s improved body condition. The mare became pregnant two months later. Finally, MCT can cause problems with the mare’s general health and fertility. The clinical and US characteristics suggested ovarian neoplasm; however, gross- and histopathology are critical for the final diagnosis.
Keywords: Neoplasm, Animals, Ultrasonography, Blood, Body Weight Gain.
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Thrombocytopenia in a Dog Due to Long-Term Administration of Phenylpropanolamine: A Case Report
Romana Bielik, Peter Korim, Imrich Kašelák, Branislav Luká? and Bohumil Bielik
Int J Vet Sci, 2023, 12(6): 897-899.
This report describes a clinical case with presentation of thrombocytopenia in a 14-year-old American Cocker Spaniel due to long-term oral administration of phenylpropanolamine and its successful management. This is the first case report of a dog with thrombocytopenia associated with the use of phenylpropanolamine.
Keywords: Phenylpropanolamine, Coagulopathy, Thrombocytopenia
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